
Annual Report 2008

The Annual Report 2008 is the first to be produced on the basis of the FRA legal base and mandate (Council Regulation 168//2007, art. 4.1(e)). This summary highlights information, events and developments related to racism and xenophobia in the EU for the year 2007 which are contained in the 2008 Annual Report.

The report summarises the findings of the Agency's on-going data collection through its RAXEN National Focal Points (NFPs) in each of the 27 Member States of the EU. The Annual Report gives an overview on the following themes and issues, also highlighting examples of good practice:

  • legal and institutional initiatives against racism and discrimination;
  • racist violence and crime;
  • racism and discrimination and preventive initiatives in employment, education, housing and health care;
  • developments in EU policy and legislation relevant to combating racism and xenophobia.

Key findings
The Annual Report's main conclusions relate to the patchy implementation of the EU's anti-discrimination legislation and the vigour with which the legislation is applied. This relates to the existence and powers of equality bodies and the effectiveness in applying the legislation. There is a lack of awareness about the possibilities of legal redress that are open to victims of discrimination.

The report concludes with the Agency's Opinions on measures needed to combat racism and discrimination more effectively at EU level as well as at the level of Member States. The report stresses the central importance of equality bodies in making the Racial Equality Directive work, and the importance of sanctions in raising awareness about the legislation and its principles among the public.
Read more in the Memo: [ en - fr ]