
Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2019

The Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR) 2019 provides an overview of the activities and achievements of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in that year. It follows the guidelines established by the European Commission.

In 2019, FRA focused on various fundamental rights challenges in the European Union (EU) and produced a high number of publications in English and other EU languages that contribute and feed into the work of different EU bodies.

FRA continued to inform the EU institutions’ legislative work, by providing assistance and evidence-based advice to the EU institutions and Member States.

FRA continued to effectively communicate and promote fundamental rights and freedoms. In 2019, four communication priorities were set: celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the Charter, promoting the results of FRA research on severe forms of labour exploitation, highlighting evidence to fight antisemitism and fostering a fundamental rights compatible migration narrative.

In accordance with the terms of its statutory governance, FRA conducts its operations in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, by working in an open and transparent manner and meeting the high level of professional and ethical standards expected of an EU agency.