Compendium of practices on hate crime

This compendium collates practices for combating hate crime from across the EU. The practices have been compiled by the Working Party on Improving Reporting and Recording of Hate Crime in the EU. In the list below step-by-step descriptions of the practices are broken down by country and category. The aim of the compendium is to help policymakers and practitioners such as law enforcement officers understand what is being done elsewhere in the EU to combat hate crime, and which elements could be adapted for use in their own national contexts.  Read more >>

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48 Promising Practices found

  • COL 13/2013: gezamenlijke omzendbrief voor de politie diensten van de Geintegreerde Politie en procureurs/COL 13/2013: Circulaire Commune pour les services de police de la Police Intégrée et les Procureurs
    Improve recording and data collection
    Cross institutional cooperation, Flagging potential hate crimes, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    The general instructions provide a framework for the police and prosecutors in their efforts to combat discrimination and hate crime. They provide guidance to police on how to correctly register discrimination and hate crimes; set specific standards for hate crime victims; and improve cooperation and exchanges between judicial staff, police officers and the national equality bodies.
  • Bestrijding van discriminatie en haatmisdrijven (gezamenlijke studies) / Lutte contre les discriminations et les crimes de haine (études conjointes)
    Encourage reporting
    Communication, dissemination and awareness raising, Monitoring progress and impact
    The national equality bodies – the Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities, the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men and the College of Public Prosecutors of the courts of appeal – jointly developed dedicated studies on tackling discrimination and hate crime.
  • Výbor pre predchádzanie a elimináciu rasizmu, xenofóbie, antisemitizmu a ostatných foriem intolerancie
    Encourage reporting
    Cooperation with civil society and community organisations, Cross institutional cooperation, Monitoring progress and impact
    The Committee for the Prevention and Elimination of Racism, Xenophobia, Antisemitism and Other Forms of Intolerances, established and chaired by the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, serves as a platform for exchanges between representatives of public administrations, security services and civil society organisations in relation to the fight against racism, xenophobia and extremism.
  • Un projet de collecte de données relatives aux violences et discriminations fondées sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité ou l’expression de genre en Bruxelles
    Encourage reporting
    Alternative reporting options, Cooperation with civil society and community organisations, Specialist victim support services
    The project encourages reporting and enhances referrals of LGBTQI hate crimes in Brussels by supports victims to share and register their stories with local CSOs, which then refer them to the police, social services and other government bodies to file formal complaints.
  • Define os objetivos, prioridades e orientações de política criminal para o biénio de 2020–2022, em cumprimento da Lei n.º 17/2006, de 23 de maio, que aprova a Lei-Quadro da Política Criminal
    Institutional and structural guidelines, Encourage reporting
    Law No. 55/2020 provides hierarchical instructions for the fulfilment of the rights to information, assistance, protection and support for victims of crime, especially victims who are particularly vulnerable.
  • Systematische Erfassung diskriminierender Motivlagen bei Strafanzeigen
    Improve recording and data collection
    Flagging potential hate crimes, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building, Use of bias-indicators
    The project targets Austrian police and aims to improve police hate crime recording and data collection procedures and to build the police’s capacity to treat hate crime victims and investigate hate crime.
  • Ampliação dos meios de denúncia
    Encourage reporting
    Alternative reporting options
    Expanding reporting mechanisms and providing alternative channels with the aim of encouraging reporting and overcoming barriers that victims and witnesses may face in reporting through regular channels. The alternative methods for reporting include anonymous reporting and reporting through the internet, for example using an online form or through social networks such as Twitter.
  • Facing all the facts
    Encourage reporting
    Communication, dissemination and awareness raising, Cooperation with civil society and community organisations, Provision of guidance, training and capacity building
    Enhancing cooperation between civil society organisations, policymakers, the police and criminal justice agencies to improve their recording and monitoring mechanisms, facilitate the sharing of information on hate crime, develop training modules and, ultimately, increase victims’ access to safety, support and justice.
  • Tiedolla vihaa vastaan / Fakta mot hat
    Encourage reporting
    Alternative reporting options, Cross institutional cooperation, Specialist victim support services
    A comprehensive approach: implementing the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe online reporting tool for hate crime victims at the national level, developing mechanisms for referring victims to support services, enhancing cooperation at the local level and monitoring hate crime.
  • Gay Help Line
    Encourage reporting
    Alternative reporting options, Cooperation with civil society and community organisations, Specialist victim support services
    Gay Help Line and the Observatory for Security against Acts of Discrimination cooperate to enhance support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex victims of hate crime. This includes referring victims to support organisations, participating in events and organising joint training sessions.