

Detention issue

Sanitary conditions

FRA research findings

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Legal instruments & key provisions

Legal instrument Key provision
Rules on the implementation of remand (Pravilnik o izvrševanju pripora), )Cell space, available to prisoners, must comply with medical, spatial and hygiene standards. Bathing is mandatory upon reception in detention facility, during detention, bathing is mandatory every seven days. Prisoners are required to maintain personal hygiene and the necessary arrangements must be provided. Haircuts and shaving are to be arranged as needed, shaving is mandatory prior to any interrogation or court hearing.
Rules on the implementation of prison sentences (Pravilnik o izvrševanju kazni zapora)Toilets are to be accessible to prisoners at all times. During detention, humanity and dignity of the prisoners must be respected, prisoners must be treated humanely, with a view of preserving their physical and mental health. There are no special standards on the location of toilets or privacy protection of prisoners who use toilets.


Year Recommendation Report
2017The NPM recommended to Celje Prison and Juvenile Prison that bathrooms be cleaned on a regular basis and disinfection be implemented. Report details
2017It was also recommended to Celje Prison and Juvenile Prison that the suitability (functionality) of the water tap be verified. The NPM recommended to Celje Prison and Juvenile Prison that the possibility of more frequent showering throughout the year (and not only in the summer months) also be considered for detainees, and that the schedule for showering be adjusted to their activities (e g after the use of the fitness room or after returning from a walk). It was recommended to the Ljubljana Prison to examine the possibility of repairing a fixed casement window in the shower room on the ground floor of the detention unit to enable it to be opened and thus better ventilation of the room. Report details
2018We again recommended that the institution examine the possibilities of rearranging the sanitary part or at least removing the barrier (wall) at the entrance to the shower in room number 27, which is intended for the accommodation of prisoners with mobility limitations. We expressed the expectation that the problems with the flow of hot water and the non-functioning of one shower in the shower room of the remand department will be eliminated as soon as possible. Report details