The Fundamental Law of Hungary


Article VII (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right
shall include the freedom to choose or change one’s religion or other belief, and the freedom
of everyone to manifest, abstain from manifesting, practise or teach his or her religion or
other belief through religious acts, rites or otherwise, either individually or jointly with
others, either in public or in private life. [...] Article XV (Freedom and Responsibility) [...] (2) Hungary shall guarantee fundamental rights to everyone without discrimination and in particular without discrimination on grounds of race, colour, sex, disability, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or any other status. [...] Article XXIX (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) National minorities living in Hungary shall be constituent parts of the State. Every
Hungarian citizen belonging to a national minority shall have the right to freely express and preserve his or her identity. National minorities living in Hungary shall have the right to use their mother tongue, to use names in their own languages individually and collectively, to nurture their own cultures, and to receive education in their mother tongues.
(2) National minorities living in Hungary shall have the right to establish their selfgovernment at both local and national level. (3) The detailed rules relating to the rights of national minorities living in Hungary, the national minorities, the requirements for recognition as a national minority, and the rules for the election of the self-governments of national minorities at local and national level shall be laid down in a cardinal Act. A cardinal Act may provide that recognition as a national minority shall be subject to a certain length of time of presence and to the initiative of a certain number of persons declaring to be members of the national minority concerned.