
FRA will join an expert workshop that will focus on sharing national experiences with online and offline public campaigns against hate crime and hate speech.
On 9 November, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty met with over 20 civil society organisations active in Brussels for a roundtable discussion. The meeting aimed to hear their concerns about the current fundamental rights situation.
FRA took part in an online meeting on 9 November on defending civic space in the Balkans. The Balkan Civil Society Development Network organised the event.
On 9 and 10 November, FRA will organise a meeting of its National Liaison Officers in Vienna. The meeting will bring together government representatives from 27 Member States and three Candidates Countries (Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia).
FRA presented its project on remote biometric identification in law enforcement and the fundamental rights implications at the annual congress of the Biometrics Institute.
Article d'actualité
FRA gave a presentation on enhancing the role of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in asylum matters during the Academy of European Law’s (ERA) annual conference on European asylum and migration law.
On 12 October, FRA presented an overview of civic space challenges in the EU at the conference ‘Where do we stand with the European civil society strategy?’. FRA gave a preview of the findings from its civic space report.
The agency will speak at the European Economic & Social Committee’s annual conference on fundamental rights and the rule of law. The event will look at the civil society's take on the European Commission’s 2023 Rule of Law report.
La vue d’ensemble annuelle des incidents antisémites de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’UE (FRA) révèle une nouvelle fois des lacunes persistantes dans l’enregistrement de l’antisémitisme en Europe. Chaque pays continue à collecter des données de manière différente et certains pays ne collectent aucune donnée, entravant ainsi les efforts visant à lutter efficacement contre la haine à l’égard des Juifs.
FRA is aware of the recent reported increase in incidents of intolerance and racial discrimination in EU Member States. The Agency stands firmly against all expressions of intolerance and racial discrimination, including hate speech and violence.
FRA will take part in an international seminar organised by the Spanish National Office for Combating Hate Crimes. It falls under the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU.
Racism remains a persistent problem in the EU. EU actions are driving laws and policies to tackle racial discrimination. To guide these efforts, a high-level conference on anti-racism in the EU will take place in Barcelona on 2 and 3 November 2023. It will explore what underpins structural racism in Europe, what the EU and its Member States are doing to address it, as well as how people of African descent are represented in public office and the media.
FRA contributed to a conference hosted by the Spanish Presidency of the EU and The event focused on visas as an EU tool for providing a human rights defenders a safe haven.
Michael O’Flaherty
FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty elaborates on the scourge of racism affecting society and the importance of fixing it. The speech was delivered as the Annual Human Rights Law Centre lecture on 31 October at the University of Nottingham.
Findings from FRA’s Being Black in the EU report point to people of African descent experiencing widespread racism and discrimination in their daily lives.
FRA took part in the plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee on artificial intelligence (CAI) on 24 October in Strasbourg.
FRA took part in the Other side of the law: Enforcement of antidiscrimination legislation Equinet conference in Brussels on 12 October.
FRA took part in two Frontex working group meetings for Member States on screening rules for ETIAS, the European Travel Information and Authorisation System. FRA is a member of the ETIAS Fundamental Rights Guidance Board.
Près de la moitié des personnes d’ascendance africaine dans l’UE sont confrontées au racisme et à la discrimination dans leur vie quotidienne, un chiffre en augmentation depuis 2016. Le harcèlement raciste et le profilage ethnique sont également fréquents, particulièrement chez les jeunes, selon une nouvelle enquête de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA). La FRA appelle les pays de l’UE à prendre des mesures urgentes pour lutter contre la discrimination et le harcèlement à caractère raciste afin de garantir que tout le monde soit traité de manière égale et avec dignité.
FRA will speak on best practices for ensuring electoral rights for people with disabilities during the European Commission’s high-level event on elections in Brussels on 23 October.