
Povelja o temeljnim pravima Europske unije

Članak 15 - Sloboda izbora zanimanja i pravo na rad

Članak 15 - Sloboda izbora zanimanja i pravo na rad

1. Svatko ima pravo na rad i na obavljanje slobodno izabranog ili prihvaćenog zanimanja.
2. Svaki grañanin Unije može slobodno birati zaposlenje, raditi i ostvarivati pravo na poslovni nastan i pravo na pružanje usluga u svakoj državi članici.
3. Državljani trećih zemalja kojima je dopušten rad na teritorijima država članica imaju pravo na radne uvjete jednake onima koje imaju grañani Unije.

  • Text:
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
  • Shirley McCarthy v Secretary of State for the Home Department
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Court (Third Chamber)
    Policy area:
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Shirley McCarthy v Secretary of State for the Home Department
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Opinion of Advocate General
    Policy area:
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Pensionsversicherungsanstalt v Christine Kleist
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    European Court of Justice (Second Chamber)
    Policy area:
    ECLI (European case law identifier):
  • Blanco Pérez and Chao Gómez
    Decision date:
    Deciding body type:
    Court of Justice of the European Union
    Deciding body:
    Opinion of Advocate General
    Policy area:
    ECLI (European case law identifier):

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