
Listina Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah

Člen 28 - Pravica do kolektivnih pogajanj in ukrepov

Člen 28 - Pravica do kolektivnih pogajanj in ukrepov

Delavci in delodajalci ali njihove organizacije imajo v skladu s pravom Unije ter nacionalnimi zakonodajami in običaji pravico pogajati se in sklepati kolektivne pogodbe na ustreznih ravneh, v primeru nasprotja interesov pa do kolektivnih ukrepov za obrambo svojih interesov, vključno s stavko.

  • Text:

    Ta člen temelji na 6. členu Evropske socialne listine in na Listini Skupnosti o temeljnih socialnih pravicah delavcev (točki 12 in 14). Pravico do kolektivnih ukrepov je Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice priznalo kot enega izmed elementov pravic sindikatov, ki jih določa 11. člen EKČP. Glede ustreznih ravni, na katerih lahko potekajo kolektivna pogajanja, glej pojasnilo k prejšnjemu členu. Načine in omejitve izvajanja kolektivnih ukrepov, vključno s stavko, določajo nacionalne zakonodaje in prakse, vključno z vprašanjem, ali se lahko ti ukrepi hkrati izvajajo v več državah članicah.

    Uradni list Evropske unije C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    V nadaljevanju navedena pojasnila so bila prvotno pripravljena pod vodstvom predsedstva Konvencije, ki je sestavilo Listino Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah. Ta pojasnila so bila posodobljena pod vodstvom predsedstva Evropske konvencije zaradi prilagoditve besedila Listine s strani omenjene konvencije (zlasti členov 51 in 52) in nadaljnjega razvoja prava Unije. Čeprav sama nimajo pravne veljave, so dragocena pomoč pri razlagi in pojasnjevanju določb Listine.

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65 results found

  • Preamble to the Constitution of 27 October 1946

    § 6All men may defend their rights and interests through union action and may belong to the union of their choice. § 7The right to strike shall be exercised within the framework of the laws governing it.§ 8 All workers shall, through the intermediary of their representatives, participate in the collective determination of their conditions of work and in the management of the work place. 

  • Préambule de la Constitution du 27 Octobre 1946

    § 6 Tout homme peut défendre ses droits et ses intérêts par l'action syndicale et adhérer au syndicat de son choix. § 7 Le droit de grève s'exerce dans le cadre des lois qui le réglementent.§ 8 Tout travailleur participe, par l'intermédiaire de ses délégués, à la détermination collective des conditions de travail ainsi qu'à la gestion des entreprises.

  • Act (436/1946) (As Amended By Several Acts, Including No. 864/2001)

    1. A collective agreement within the meaning of this Act is any agreement concluded by one or more employers or registered associations of employers and one or more registered associations of employees, concerning the conditions to be complied with in contracts of employment or in employment generally.

  • Collective Agreements
  • Constitution of Finland

    Section 13 Freedom of assembly and freedom of association (...) Everyone has the freedom of association. Freedom of association entails the right to form an association without a permit, to be a member or not to be a member of an association and to participate in the activities of an association. The freedom to form trade unions and to organise in order to look after other interests is likewise guaranteed. 

  • Suomen perustuslaki

    13 § Kokoontumis- ja yhdistymisvapaus (...) Jokaisella on yhdistymisvapaus. Yhdistymisvapauteen sisältyy oikeus ilman lupaa perustaa yhdistys, kuulua tai olla kuulumatta yhdistykseen ja osallistua yhdistyksen toimintaan. Samoin on turvattu ammatillinen yhdistymisvapaus ja vapaus järjestäytyä muiden etujen valvomiseksi.

  • Ametiühingute seadus

    § 1. Seaduse ülesanded. (1) Käesolev seadus sätestab ametiühingute põhilised õigused, tegevuse alused, suhted riigi- ja kohaliku omavalitsuse asutuste ja tööandjatega.
    (2) Käesolev seadus sätestab erisused mittetulundusühingutena tegutsevate ametiühingute asutamise, tegevuse ja lõpetamise kohta. 

  • Collective Labour Dispute Resolution Act

    § 1. Purpose of Act. This Act regulates the procedure for the resolution of collective labour disputes and the calling and organisation of strikes and lock-outs.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

    Article 29. (…) Everyone is free to belong to unions and federations of employees and employers. Unions and federations of employees and employers may assert their rights and lawful interests by means which are not prohibited by law. The conditions and procedure for the exercise of the right to strike are provided by law.
    The procedure for resolution of labour disputes is provided by law.

  • Eesti Vabariigi Põhiseadus

    § 29. Töötajate ja tööandjate ühingutesse ja liitudesse kuulumine on vaba. Töötajate ja tööandjate ühingud ja liidud võivad oma õiguste ja seaduslike huvide eest seista vahenditega, mida seadus ei keela. Streigiõiguse kasutamise tingimused ja korra sätestab seadus. Töövaidluste lahendamise korra sätestab seadus.

  • Kollektiivse töötüli lahendamise seadus

     § 1. Seaduse ülesanne. Käesolev seadus reguleerib kollektiivse töötüli lahendamise ning streigi ja töösulu väljakuulutamise ning korraldamise korda.

  • Trade Unions Act

    § 1. Purposes of Act.
    (1) This Act provides for the general rights of and bases for the activities of trade unions, and their relations with state and local government authorities and employers.
    (2) This Act provides for the specifications for the foundation, activities and dissolution of trade unions which operate as non-profit associations.

  • The Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus

    Article 26
    1. Every person has the right to enter freely into any contract subject to such conditions, limitations or restrictions as are laid down by the general principles of the law of contract. A law shall provide for the prevention of exploitation by persons who are commanding economic power.
    2. A law may provide for collective labour contracts of obligatory fulfilment by employers and workers with adequate protection of the rights of any person, whether or not represented at the conclusion of such contract. Article 27
    1. The right to strike is recognised and its exercise may be regulated by law for the purposes only of safeguarding the security of the Republic or the constitutional order or the public order or the public safety or the maintenance of supplies and services essential to the life of the inhabitants or the protection of the rights and liberties guaranteed by this Constitution to any person.
    2. The members of the armed forces, of the police and of the gendarmerie shall not have the right to strike. A law may extend such prohibition to the members of the public service.

  • Tο Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

    ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 26
    1. Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα του συμβάλλεσθαι ελευθέρως. Τούτο υπέκειται εις όρους, περιορισμούς ή δεσμεύσεις τιθεμένους επί τη βάσει των γενικών αρχών του δικαίου των συμβάσεων. Νόμος θέλει προβλέψει διά την πρόληψιν εκμεταλλεύσεως υπό προσώπων, άτινα διαθέτουσιν ιδιάζουσαν οικονομικήν ισχύν.
    2. Νόμος δύναται να ρυθμίση τας συλλογικάς συμβάσεις εργασίας, υποχρεωτικώς εφαρμοζομένας υπό των εργοδοτών και των εργαζομένων, προστατευομένων επαρκώς των δικαιωμάτων οιουδήποτε ατόμου αδιακρίτως της αντιπροσωπεύσεως τούτου κατά την σύναψιν τοιαύτης συμβάσεως. ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 27
    1. Το δικαίωμα του απεργείν αναγνωρίζεται και η άσκησις τούτου δύναται να ρυθμισθή υπό του νόμου προς τον σκοπόν μόνον της προστασίας της ασφαλείας της Δημοκρατίας ή της συνταγματικής τάξεως ή της δημοσίας τάξεως η της δημοσίας ασφαλείας ή της διατηρήσεως των εφοδίων και υπηρεσιών των απαραιτήτων διά την ζωήν του λαού ή της προστασίας των υπό του Συντάγματος ηγγυημένων εις οιονδήποτε πρόσωπον δικαιωμάτων και ελευθεριών.
    2. Πρόσωπα ανήκοντα εις τας ενόπλους δυνάμεις, την αστυνομίαν και την χωροφυλακήν δεν έχουσι το δικαίωμα του απεργείν. Νόμος δύναται να επεκτείνη την απαγόρευσιν ταύτην και επί των δημοσίων υπαλλήλων.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Croatia

    Article 60
    In order to protect their economic and social interests, all employees shall be entitled to form trade unions and they shall be free to join and leave them.
    Trade unions may form their federations and join international trade union organisations.
    The formation of trade unions in the armed forces and the police may be restricted by law.
    Employers shall be entitled to form associations and they shall be free to join and leave them.

    Article 61
    The right to strike shall be guaranteed.
    The right to strike may be restricted in the armed forces, the police, the civil service and public services as specified by law.

  • Ustav Republike Hrvatske

    Članak 60.
    Radi zaštite svojih gospodarskih i socijalnih interesa, svi zaposleni imaju pravo osnivati sindikate i slobodno u njih stupati i iz njih istupati.
    Sindikati mogu osnivati svoje saveze i udruživati se u međunarodne sindikalne organizacije.
    U oružanim snagama i redarstvu zakonom se može ograničiti sindikalno organiziranje.
    Poslodavci imaju pravo osnivati udruge i slobodno u njih stupati i iz njih istupati.

    Članak 61.
    Jamči se pravo na štrajk.
    U oružanim snagama, redarstvu, državnoj upravi i javnim službama određenima zakonom može se ograničiti pravo na štrajk.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria

    Art. 50 Workers and employees shall have the right to strike in defence of their collective economic and social interests. This right shall be exercised in accordance with conditions and procedures established by law. 

  • Labour Code

     Article 1(3) This Code shall aim to ensure the freedom and protection of labour, equitable and dignified working conditions, as well as the conducting of social dialogue between the State, the employees, the employers and their organizations, for the purposes of settlement of labour relations and other immediately related relations.


     Чл. 1(3) (Предишна ал. 2 - ДВ, бр. 2 от 1996 г., изм., бр. 25 от 2001 г.) Този кодекс цели да осигури свободата и закрилата на труда, справедливи и достойни условия на труд, както и осъществяване на социален диалог между държавата, работниците, служителите, работодателите и техните организации за уреждане на трудовите и непосредствено свързаните с тях отношения.

  • КОНСТИТУЦИЯ на Република България

    Чл. 50 Работниците и служителите имат право на стачка за защита на своите колективни икономически и социални интереси. Това право се осъществява при условия и по ред, определени със закон. 

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