
Povelja o temeljnim pravima Europske unije


Narodi Europe, uspostavljajući meñu sobom sve tješnji savez, odlučni su dijeliti miroljubivu budućnost utemeljenu na zajedničkim vrijednostima.
Svjesna svojeg duhovnog i moralnog nasljeña, Unija se temelji na nedjeljivim, univerzalnim vrijednostima ljudskog dostojanstva, slobode, jednakosti i solidarnosti; Unija se temelji na načelima demokracije i vladavine prava. Ona pojedinca postavlja u središte svog djelovanja uspostavom statusa grañana Unije i stvaranjem područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde.
Unija pridonosi očuvanju i razvoju tih zajedničkih vrijednosti uz poštovanje raznolikosti kultura i tradicija naroda Europe, nacionalnih identiteta država članica i organizacije njihovih tijela vlasti na nacionalnoj, regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini; ona nastoji promicati uravnoteženi i održivi razvoj i osigurava slobodno kretanje osoba, usluga, roba i kapitala te slobodu poslovnog nastana.
U tu svrhu nužno je ojačati zaštitu temeljnih prava u svjetlu promjena u društvu, društvenog napretka te znanstvenog i tehnološkog razvoja, tako da budu vidljivija u Povelji.
Ova Povelja potvrñuje, uz dužno poštovanje nadležnosti i zadataka Unije te načela supsidijarnosti, prava koja proistječu osobito iz ustavnih tradicija i meñunarodnih obveza zajedničkih državama članicama, iz Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda, iz Socijalne povelje koju su usvojile Unija i Vijeće Europe te iz prakse Suda Europske unije i Europskoga suda za ljudska prava. U tom kontekstu Povelju će tumačiti sudovi Unije i država članica, uzimajući u obzir objašnjenja pripremljena pod vodstvom predsjedništva Konvencije koje je sastavilo Povelju i ažurirana pod odgovornošću predsjedništva Europske konvencije.
Uživanje ovih prava podrazumijeva odgovornosti i dužnosti prema drugim osobama, ljudskoj zajednici i budućim naraštajima.
Unija stoga priznaje prava, slobode i načela koja slijede.

  • Text:
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:

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  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The Annual Report 2008 is the first to be produced on the basis of the FRA legal base and mandate (Council Regulation 168//2007, art. 4.1(e)). This summary highlights information, events and developments related to racism and xenophobia in the EU for the year 2007 which are contained in the 2008 Annual Report.
  • Fundamental Rights Report
    The Annual Report 2008 is the first to be produced on the basis of the FRA legal base and mandate (Council Regulation 168//2007, art. 4.1(e)). It covers information, events and developments related to racism and xenophobia in the EU for the year 2007, which was the Agency's focus of work prior to the adoption of its Multiannual Framework in February 2008. The report summarises the findings of the Agency's on-going data collection through its RAXEN National Focal Points (NFPs) in each of the 27 Member States of the EU.
  • June
    The report examines the situation of homophobia in the 27 EU Member States. It analyses comparatively key legal provisions, relevant judicial data, such as court decisions, and case law in the Member States. In addition, the report identifies and highlights 'good practice' in the form of positive measures and initiatives to overcome underreporting of LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals) discrimination, to promote inclusion and to protect transgender persons. FRA's legal analysis is the first of two reports related to homophobia and discrimination experienced by members of the LGBT community.
  • Leaflet / Flyer
    The new edition of FRA's magazine deals with intercultural dialogue as a way to reap the benefits of diversity. The importance of intercultural dialogue was formally recognised by the EU in May 2007 when it was adopted as one of the three objectives in the first ever European Agenda for Culture.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The FRA has commissioned a series of policy focused papers to engage in thematic discussions on areas related to its Multi-annual Framework. The aim of these papers is to support, encourage and contribute to the debate on issues of relevance to the European Union Institutions, the Member States and the Agency's stakeholders.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The report brings together experiences from a number of cities across Europe. It focuses on fields such as education, employment and the provision of public services which all remain critical for the success of building cohesive communities.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights presents in this paper the fourth brief update of its 2004 extensive report "Manifestations of anti-Semitism in the European Union". The overview contains the latest governmental and non-governmental statistical data covering 2001 to 2007 for those EU Member States that have official or unofficial data and statistics on anti-Semitic incidents.
  • Handbook / Guide / Manual
    A Diversity Toolkit for factual programmes in public service television was published by FRA in January 2008 ahead of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. The Toolkit was developed by media professionals under the auspices of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).
  • Fundamental Rights Report
    This report illustrates some of the main activities of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia in 2006
  • Fundamental Rights Report
    This report illustrates some of the FRA’s main activities in 2007.