
EU-stadgan om de grundläggande rättigheterna


Europas folk har mellan sig skapat en allt fastare sammanslutning och har beslutat att dela en fredlig framtid på grundval av gemensamma värden. I medvetande om sitt andliga och etiska arv bygger unionen på de odelbara och universella värdena människans värdighet, frihet, jämlikhet och solidaritet samt på den demokratiska principen och rättsstatsprincipen. Unionen sätter människan i centrum för sin verksamhet genom att inrätta ett unionsmedborgarskap och skapa ett område med frihet, säkerhet och rättvisa.
Unionen ska bidra till att bevara och utveckla dessa gemensamma värden med respekt för mångfalden i Europas folks kultur och traditioner samt för medlemsstaternas nationella identitet och organisering av sina offentliga myndigheter på nationell, regional och lokal nivå. Den ska söka främja en balanserad och hållbar utveckling och ska trygga fri rörlighet för personer, tjänster, varor och kapital, samt etableringsfrihet.
Det är därför nödvändigt att stärka skyddet av de grundläggande rättigheterna mot bakgrund av samhällsutvecklingen, de sociala framstegen och den vetenskapliga och tekniska utvecklingen, genom att göra dessa rättigheter mer synliga i en stadga.
Med beaktande av unionens behörighet och uppgifter samt subsidiaritetsprincipen bekräftas i denna stadga de rättigheter som har sin grund särskilt i medlemsstaternas gemensamma författningstraditioner och internationella förpliktelser, europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna, unionens och Europarådets sociala stadgor samt rättspraxis vid Europeiska unionens domstol och Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna. I detta sammanhang kommer stadgan att tolkas av unionens och medlemsstaternas domstolar med vederbörlig hänsyn till de förklaringar vilka fastställdes under ledning av presidiet för det konvent som utarbetade stadgan och vilka uppdaterades av Europeiska konventets presidium.
Åtnjutandet av dessa rättigheter medför ansvar och skyldigheter mot andra människor, mot mänskligheten och mot kommande generationer.
Europeiska unionen erkänner därför de rättigheter, friheter och principer som anges nedan.

  • Text:
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:

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  • 18
    In 2020 (until 15 December), the International Organization for Migration estimated that about 1,054 people have died or gone missing while crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe to escape war or persecution or to pursue a better life. This is an average of almost three people per day. In the past years, a significant number of migrants in distress at sea have been rescued by civil society vessels deployed with a humanitarian mandate to reduce fatalities and bring rescued migrants to safety. Since 2018, however, national authorities initiated some 50 administrative and criminal proceedings against crew members or vessels, also seizing the latter. In some cases, rescue vessels were blocked in harbours due to flag issues or the inability to meet maritime safety-related and other technical requirements.
  • Handbook / Guide / Manual
    The European Convention on Human Rights and European Union law provide an increasingly important framework for the protection of the rights of foreigners. European Union legislation relating to asylum, borders and immigration is developing fast. There is an impressive body of case law by the European Court of Human Rights relating in particular to Articles 3, 5, 8 and 13 of the ECHR. The Court of Justice of the European Union is increasingly asked to pronounce on the interpretation of European Union law provisions in this field. The third edition of this handbook, updated up to July 2020, presents this European Union legislation and the body of case law by the two European courts in an accessible way.
  • 14
    Artificial intelligence (AI) already plays a role in deciding what unemployment benefits someone gets, where a burglary is likely to take place, whether someone is at risk of cancer, or who sees that catchy advertisement for low mortgage rates. Its use keeps growing, presenting seemingly endless possibilities. But we need to make sure to fully uphold fundamental rights standards when using AI. This report presents concrete examples of how companies and public administrations in the EU are using, or trying to use, AI. It focuses on four core areas – social benefits, predictive policing, health services and targeted advertising.
  • 8
    This report looks at fundamental rights compliance at the European Union (EU)’s external land borders, including rivers and lakes. On 30 January 2020, the European Parliament requested the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) to prepare a report on these borders. It noted that the report should focus on the correct application of the safeguards in the European asylum acquis and the provisions of the Schengen Borders Code (Regulation (EU) 2016/399).
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    This report outlines some of the measures EU Member States have put in place to protect public health as Europe faces the ‘second wave’ of the Coronavirus pandemic. It highlights how these may affect fundamental rights, especially social rights.
  • 27
    Roma and Travellers living in western EU countries are less often in the limelight than those living in central, eastern and southern EU countries. While they represent a smaller proportion of the population in the west, they also face problems with social exclusion, marginalisation and discrimination. These country sheets present findings from the survey conducted by FRA in 2019 covering Roma and Travellers populations in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey included interviews with almost 4,700 Roma and Travellers, collecting information on more than 8,200 individuals living in their households.
  • 6
    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 July and 30 September 2020.
  • 20
    The EU Fundamental Rights Agency published in 2019 its report on the ‘Integration of young refugees in the EU’. The report explored the challenges of young people who fled armed conflict or persecution and arrived in the EU in 2015 and 2016. The report is based on 426 interviews with experts working in the area of asylum and integration, as well as 163 interviews with young people, aged 16 to 24, conducted between October 2017 and June 2018 in 15 regions and cities located in six Member States: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden. The links on this page provide a summary of the information collected during this period for each country about unaccompanied children turning 18 and the change in people’s legal status once international protection is granted. These two issues had at the time been identified as moments requiring sufficient, consistent and systematic support, particularly from lawyers, social workers and guardians, to ensure successful integration.
  • 6
    Business activity affects not just customers, employees, and contractors along supply chains, but often entire communities and the environment. This makes it vital that every business complies with human rights. This comparative report looks at the realities victims face when they seek redress for business-related human rights abuses. It presents the findings of fieldwork research on the views of professionals regarding the different ways people can pursue complaints. The findings highlight that obstacles to achieving justice are often multi-layered.
  • 29
    Often living in substandard and overcrowded housing conditions, Roma and Travellers face an increased risk of contracting COVID-19. They are also disproportionately affected by measures taken to contain the virus. This FRA Bulletin takes a closer look at this reality in 15 EU Member States, focusing on education; employment; poverty; healthcare; housing; and anti-Gypsyism. It also outlines civil society efforts to tackle the diverse challenges triggered by the Coronavirus pandemic.