
Ligestilling, ikkeforskelsbehandling og racisme

<p>Equality is a core value of the EU. You have the right to fair treatment regardless of who you are, what you believe, or how you chose to live.</p>
<p>We carry out research and share expertise to help fight discrimination, inequality and racism in all its forms.</p>


Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Ten years after the UN’s Disability Convention entered into force, 2018 saw it continue
to drive advances in disability rights across the EU.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Not all children benefit equally from efforts to guarantee child rights.
Some groups face particular difficulties.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Anti-Gypsyism across the EU remains a persistent barrier to improving the social and
economic situation of Roma today.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Ethnic minorities and migrants continue to face harassment and discrimination across the EU,
despite longstanding EU laws against racism.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Efforts to advance equality moved ahead in some areas but remain stalled in others.
This technical report presents in detail all the stages
of the survey and the relevant information needed to
assess the quality and reliability of the data, as well
as considerations for interpreting the survey results.
The following chapters of the report cover the procedures
used in the development and administration
of the survey.
New language versions: FI, MT, PT, CS, LV, LT, SK, SL, SV, ET
03 November 2020
Children deprived of parental care found in another EU Member State other than their own aims to strengthen the response of all relevant actors for child protection. The protection of those girls and boys is paramount and an obligation for EU Member States, derived from the international and European legal framework. The guide includes a focus on child victims of trafficking and children at risk, implementing an action set forth in the 2017 Communication stepping up EU action against trafficking in human beings, and takes into account identified patterns, including with respect to the gender specificity of the crime.
Algorithms used in machine learning systems and artificial intelligence (AI) can only be as good as the data used for their development. High quality data are essential for high quality algorithms. Yet, the call for high quality data in discussions around AI often remains without any further specifications and guidance as to what this actually means.
I 2018 skete der både fremgang og tilbagegang med hensyn til beskyttelsen af grundlæggende rettigheder. FRA’s  rapport om grundlæggende rettigheder 2019 gennemgår den vigtigste udvikling på området, herunder både de opnåede resultater og områder, der fortsat giver anledning til bekymring. Publikationen indeholder FRA’s udtalelser om den væsentligste udvikling inden for de afdækkede emneområder og et sammendrag af den dokumentation, der understøtter disse udtalelser.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty talks about discrimination on the basis of age in the EU and calls for more respect for Human- and Fundamental Rights of older people.
Despite efforts by the European Union (EU) and its Member States to reduce gender inequalities among citizens of Roma origin, important gender differences persist. Drawing on FRA’s own EU-MIDIS II survey research in nine EU Member States this report highlights the position of Roma women in education, employment and health, as well as the extent to which they experience hate-motivated discrimination, harassment and physical violence.
In the light of the events in New Zealand, Michael O'Flaherty talks about discrimination and hate crime against Muslims in the EU and makes 4 proposals on how to make Muslims feel more safe.
The Compendium of Practices on Equality Data is the product of the Subgroup on Equality Data, which was set up in February 2018 by the EU High Level Group on Non-Discrimination, Diversity and Equality and is facilitated by FRA. The Subgroup on Equality Data brings together representatives of EU Member States and Norway, the European Commission, Eurostat and FRA with the aim to support Member States in their efforts to improve the collection and use of equality data.
Dette resumé beskriver de vigtigste resultater af
FRA’s anden undersøgelse af jødiske samfunds oplevelser
af hadforbrydelser i Den Europæiske Union
— den største undersøgelse af jødiske samfund, der
nogensinde er gennemført internationalt.
The Database 2012-2020 on anti-Muslim hatred provides information on significant international, European and national case law and rulings, UN human rights body decisions, reports, findings by human rights and equality bodies and organisations relating to hate crime, hate speech and discrimination against Muslims, as well as relevant research, reports, studies, data and statistics on these issues. It also provides information on victims' support organisations in the EU Member States.
This paper discusses the evolution of European Court of Human Rights case law relating
to hate crime, providing an update on the most recent rulings. Approaching hate crime
from a fundamental rights perspective, it shows how Member State authorities’ duty to
effectively investigate the bias motivation of crimes flows from key human rights
instruments, such as the European Convention on Human Rights.
Michael O'Flaherty focuses on the situation of the Jewish community living in the EU.
This report outlines the main findings of FRA’s second survey on Jewish people’s experiences with hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism in the European Union – the biggest survey of Jewish people ever conducted worldwide. Covering 12 EU Member States, the survey reached almost 16,500 individuals who identify as being Jewish. It follows up on the agency’s first survey, conducted in seven countries in 2012.
Last versions available are EL and NL
11 March 2021
I denne vejledning forklares, hvad der forstås ved profilering, de retlige rammer, der regulerer profilering, og hvorfor det er både nødvendigt at foretage profilering lovligt for at overholde de grundlæggende rettigheder og afgørende for et effektivt politiarbejde og en effektiv grænseforvaltning. Vejledningen indeholder også praktiske retningslinjer om, hvordan ulovlig profilering kan undgås i forbindelse med politi- og grænseforvaltningsoperationer.