
Retfærdighed, ofres rettigheder og retligt samarbejde

<p>Your access to justice is a fundamental right. It is central to making your other rights a reality.</p>
<p>It protects rights of the individual. It puts right civil wrongs. It holds power to account. We shine a light on obstacles to access to justice. And we give evidence-based advice on overcoming them.</p>


  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Every child has a right to be protected even when they are accused or suspected of committing a crime. The basic principles of justice apply to adults and children alike. But children face specific obstacles during criminal proceedings, such as a lack of understandable information about their rights, limited legal support and poor treatment. The report looks at the practical implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/800 on procedural safeguards for children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings in nine Member States – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Malta, Poland and Portugal.
  • Handbook / Guide / Manual
    Access to justice is an important element of the rule of law. It enables individuals to protect themselves against infringements of their rights, to remedy civil wrongs, to hold executive power accountable and to defend themselves in criminal proceedings. This handbook summarises the key European legal principles in the area of access to justice, focusing on civil and criminal law.
  • Page
    The Criminal Detention Database 2015-2022 combines in one place information on detention conditions in all 27 EU Member States as well as the United Kingdom.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report is the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s fourth on the topic of severe labour exploitation. Based on interviews with 237 exploited workers, it paints a bleak picture of severe exploitation and abuse. The workers include both people who came to the EU, and EU nationals who moved to another EU country. They were active in diverse sectors, and their legal status also varied.
Opening Video for FRA event - From wrongs to rights: ending severe labour exploitation.
This report is the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s fourth on the topic of severe labour exploitation. Based on interviews with 237 exploited workers, it paints a bleak picture of severe exploitation and abuse. The workers include both people who came to the EU, and EU nationals who moved to another EU country. They were active in diverse sectors, and their legal status also varied.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: In some Member States access to justice faces challenges. Judicial independence continues to cause
concerns. Victims’ procedural rights need more effective implementation. Gaps in preventing
violence against women and domestic violence remain.
New language versions: FI, MT, PT, CS, LV, LT, SK, SL, SV, ET
03 November 2020
Children deprived of parental care found in another EU Member State other than their own aims to strengthen the response of all relevant actors for child protection. The protection of those girls and boys is paramount and an obligation for EU Member States, derived from the international and European legal framework. The guide includes a focus on child victims of trafficking and children at risk, implementing an action set forth in the 2017 Communication stepping up EU action against trafficking in human beings, and takes into account identified patterns, including with respect to the gender specificity of the crime.
Algorithms used in machine learning systems and artificial intelligence (AI) can only be as good as the data used for their development. High quality data are essential for high quality algorithms. Yet, the call for high quality data in discussions around AI often remains without any further specifications and guidance as to what this actually means.
How much progress can we expect in a decade? Various rights-related instruments had been in place for 10 years in 2018, prompting both sobering and encouraging reflection on this question.
I 2018 skete der både fremgang og tilbagegang med hensyn til beskyttelsen af grundlæggende rettigheder. FRA’s  rapport om grundlæggende rettigheder 2019 gennemgår den vigtigste udvikling på området, herunder både de opnåede resultater og områder, der fortsat giver anledning til bekymring. Publikationen indeholder FRA’s udtalelser om den væsentligste udvikling inden for de afdækkede emneområder og et sammendrag af den dokumentation, der understøtter disse udtalelser.
Victims of violent crime have various rights, including to protection and to access justice. But how are these rights playing out in practice? Are victims of violent crime properly seen, informed, empowered and heard? Do they tend to feel that justice has been done? Our four-part report series takes a closer look at these questions, based on interviews with victims, people working for victim support organisations, police officers, attorneys, prosecutors and judges.
Victims of violent crime have various rights, including to protection and to access justice. But how are these rights playing out in practice? Are victims of violent crime properly seen, informed, empowered and heard? Do they tend to feel that justice has been done? Our four-part report series takes a closer look at these questions, based on interviews with victims, people working for victim support organisations, police officers, attorneys, prosecutors and judges.
Victims of violent crime have various rights, including to protection and to access justice. But how are these rights playing out in practice? Are victims of violent crime properly seen, informed, empowered and heard? Do they tend to feel that justice has been done? Our four-part report series takes a closer look at these questions, based on interviews with victims, people working for victim support organisations, police officers, attorneys, prosecutors and judges.
This Opinion aims to inform the European Parliament’s position on the legislative proposal for a Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online, presented by the European Commission on 12 September 2018.
Last versions available are EL and NL
11 March 2021
I denne vejledning forklares, hvad der forstås ved profilering, de retlige rammer, der regulerer profilering, og hvorfor det er både nødvendigt at foretage profilering lovligt for at overholde de grundlæggende rettigheder og afgørende for et effektivt politiarbejde og en effektiv grænseforvaltning. Vejledningen indeholder også praktiske retningslinjer om, hvordan ulovlig profilering kan undgås i forbindelse med politi- og grænseforvaltningsoperationer.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights’ 2018 Fundamental Rights Forum
brought together more than 700 human rights champions at a time of
widening social divisions and increasingly polarised politics across
Severe labour exploitation is widespread across the European Union. While workplace inspections can help counter this phenomenon, they need to be strengthened to do so effectively. Based on interviews and focus group discussions with almost 240 exploited workers active in diverse economic sectors, this report provides important evidence on how unscrupulous employers manipulate and undermine inspections, and on what can be done to counteract such efforts.
Workers are being severely exploited for their labour across the EU, and
inspections are not effective at stopping this reality. Based on interviews with
almost 240 workers – including non-EU citizens who came to the EU and
EU nationals who moved to another EU country to work – a new FRA report
outlines the problem and identifies ways to bolster inspections.
The year 2017 brought both progress and setbacks in terms of rights protection. The European Pillar of Social Rights marked an important move towards a more ‘social Europe’. But, as experiences with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights underscore, agreement on a text is merely a first step. Even in its eighth year as the EU's binding bill of rights, the Charter's potential was not fully exploited, highlighting the need to more actively promote its use.
I 2017 skete der både fremgang og tilbagegang med hensyn til beskyttelsen af grundlæggende rettigheder. FRA’s rapport om grundlæggende rettigheder, Fundamental Rights Report 2018, gennemgår den vigtigste udvikling på området, herunder både de opnåede resultater og områder, der fortsat giver anledning til bekymring.
Civilsamfundsorganisationerne i EU spiller en afgørende rolle med hensyn til at fremme de grundlæggende rettigheder, men det er blevet sværere for dem at gøre det — på grund af
både lovgivningsmæssige og praktiske begrænsninger. Der er udfordringer i alle EU-medlemsstaterne, men den nøjagtige art og omfanget af dem varierer. Data og forskning om
denne problemstilling — herunder sammenlignende forskning — savnes generelt.
FRA’s rapport ser derfor på de forskellige typer og mønstre af udfordringer, som civilsamfundsorganisationer, der arbejder for menneskerettigheder i EU, står over for. Den fremhæver også lovende praksis, som kan modvirke disse bekymrende mønstre.