Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms


Article 7 (1) The inviolability of the person and of her privacy is guaranteed. They may be limited only in cases provided for by law. Article 10 (1) Everyone has the right to demand that her human dignity, personal honour, and good reputation be respected, and that her name be protected. (2) Everyone has the right to be protected from any unauthorized intrusion into her private and family life. (3) Everyone has the right to be protected from the unauthorized gathering, public revelation, or other misuse of her personal data. Article 12 (1) A person’s dwelling is inviolable. It may not be entered without the permission of the person living there. (2) A dwelling may be searched only for the purposes of a criminal proceeding on the basis of a search warrant issued by a judge in writing and giving the reasons therefore. The manner in which a dwelling may be searched shall be specified by law. (3) Other encroachments upon the inviolability of a dwelling may be permitted by law only if such is necessary in a democratic society for the protection of the life or health of individuals, for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others, or in order to avert a serious threat to public security and order. If a dwelling is also used for a business enterprise of for carrying on other economic activities, the law may also permit such encroachments if they are necessary to fulfill the duties of public administration. Article 13 No one may violate the confidentiality of letters or the confidentiality of other papers or records, whether privately kept or sent by post or by some other means, except in the cases and in the manner designated by law. The confidentiality of communications sent by telephone, telegraph, or by other similar devices is guaranteed in the same way..