Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General comment No. 23 (2016) on the right to just and favourable conditions of work (article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)

‘32. Equality in promotion requires the analysis of direct and indirect obstacles to promotion as well as introduction of measures including training and initiatives to reconcile work and family responsibilities, such as affordable day-care services for children and dependent adults. In order to accelerate de facto equality, temporary special measures might be necessary. They should be regularly reviewed and appropriate sanctions applied in case of non-compliance.‘
‘34. Rest and leisure, limitation of working hours as well as paid periodic holidays help workers to maintain an appropriate balance between professional, family and personal responsibilities and to avoid work-related stress, accidents and disease. This also promotes the realization of other Covenant rights and therefore, though States parties have flexibility in light of the national context, they are required to set minimum standards that must be respected and cannot be denied or reduced on the basis of economic or productivity arguments. States parties should introduce, maintain and enforce laws, polices and regulations to cover several factors.‘
‘44. Legislation should identify other forms of leave, in particular entitlements to maternity, paternity and parental leaves, to leave for family reasons and to paid sick leave. Workers should not be placed on temporary contracts in order to be excluded from such leave entitlements.‘