Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI) - Multi-Annual Roma Programme

Activity status: Findings available

Start of activity: 2013


The project is a qualitative action research project under FRA’s multi-annual Roma Programme. It was developed in response to the European Commission’s Communication on an EU Framework for National Roma integration strategies up to 2020. The project brings together local authorities and residents, in particular Roma, to investigate how they can best be involved in Roma integration actions, and identify which aspects of these actions work, which do not, and why. The aim of the project is to facilitate the engagement of all local stakeholders, including Roma, in joint efforts to enable Roma inclusion. The experience gained and the lessons learned during the process will help improve the design, implementation and monitoring of Roma integration policies and actions at the local level.

This is the first FRA project to test participatory action research methodology. By identifying the key factors that lead to the success or failure of local integration activities, the project is helping to improve the planning of effective integration programmes for the future. At the same time, facilitating engagement at local level empowers all those involved, building their capacity to participate as equal partners with local administrations and civil society, and enabling a shared understanding of which measures need to be taken and how their implementation can be monitored. The project is being carried out in 21 localities across 11 EU Member States (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom).


This project enables local communities to collect data and shape programmes designed to improve their socio-economic situation and living conditions. It increases our understanding of the situation Roma communities find themselves in and makes it possible to examine and develop ways of improving the design, implementation and monitoring of Roma integration policies and activities at the local level. Statistical data provide essential information, but qualitative in-depth fieldwork research is necessary to better understand the complex interaction of different factors that affect social exclusion processes. The European Commission’s Roma Task Force has identified specific weaknesses in the implementation of Roma integration policies and action plans and the use of EU funds, particularly at the local level. The shortcomings included a lack of know-how and administrative capacity at the local level; a lack of reliable data and effective monitoring tools to measure progress; and the lack of meaningful involvement by Roma themselves. The project investigates these deficiencies and the best way of supporting efforts to overcome them.


The research applies participatory action research methodology. This allows participants to engage directly in the collection and interpretation of data. It also enables those taking part to participate in shaping and monitoring local Roma integration policies and activities. The knowledge and experience gained helps contribute to the capacity of decision makers – particularly at the local level, but also at the national and European levels – to plan and carry out effective and targeted policies that will lead to measurable improvements for Roma.