Law on Elections to the European Parliament


Section 1This Law shall prescribe the procedures by which elections to the European Parliament shall take place in the Republic of Latvia. Section 2(1) In the Republic of Latvia the following shall have the right to elect the European Parliament:1) a Latvian citizen; and2) a citizen of the European Union who is not a Latvian citizen, but who resides in the Republic of Latvia.(2) A person who on polling day has reached 18 years of age has the right to vote if information regarding this person has been entered in the electoral register in Latvia and none of the restrictions referred to in Section 3 of this Law applies to such person.Section 3In the Republic of Latvia the following persons do not have the right to elect the European Parliament:1) persons who according to the procedures prescribed by law are recognised as lacking the capacity to act;2) persons who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty; and3) persons who do not have the right to vote in the Member State of the European Union of which they are citizens.