
Press Release
The two-day seminar, "Remembering for the future", on how to empower citizens and spread promising practices of human rights and Holocaust education, will take place in Copenhagen on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 April.  
FRA expert Niraj Nathwani speaks about the FRA Symposium on "The EU data protection reform: new fundamental rights guarantees".
Equality is a core component of fundamental rights protection. Yet gender inequalities persist in today's society, and are often compounded by other forms of discrimination, preventing women from enjoying their full rights.
FRA expert Israel Butler presents the report on the Racial Equality Directive.
Every day, women in Europe continue to suffer from violations of their human rights in the form of gender-based violence. In addition to the impact this has on the lives of the women concerned, the consequences of violence extend to women's families, their communities and society in general.
Irregular migrants throughout the European Union face labour exploitation and are denied access to basic services. The Fundamental Rights Conference will focus on how to promote minimum rights standards for irregular migrants - a group vulnerable to serious fundamental rights violations.
This video introduces the topics of the Fundamental Rights Conference 2011.
Press Release
On 10 November 2011 FRA spoke at the Hearing on Fundamental Rights organised by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). 
FRA Programme Manager Ludovica Banfi speaks about the new FRA report on access to healthcare for irregular migrants.
Today the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is presenting its report on the fundamental rights of irregular migrants who are employed as domestic workers in the EU. Most irregular migrants in domestic work are women. The report shows that their irregular immigration status, coupled with challenges in regulating domestic work more generally, makes this group very vulnerable to exploitation, including cases of physical abuse. Typical forms of exploitation include low pay, often having to work excessive working hours, and usually not being able to obtain compensation for work-related accidents.
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2010, the flagship Annual Report of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), charts the progress made in 2010 by the European Union (EU) and its Member States towards securing the rights guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights through developments in legislation, policies and practices. The FRA Annual Report, presented at the European Parliament today, points to promising practices and obstacles to rights protection across a range of policy areas. Some of the major challenges in 2010 related to asylum, the Roma and data protection.
This video introduces the new FRA report on irregular migrants employed in domestic work.
Press Release
The event is set in the context of the FRA's mandate to develop methods and standards that will improve the comparability, objectivity and reliability of data collected at the European level. The Symposium will be comprised of presentations of case studies, panel discussions and working groups focusing on specific themes. It will take place on 12-13 May at the FRA's premises in Vienna.
Today, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is launching its report Access to justice in Europe: an overview of challenges and opportunities. The report will be launched in Budapest at the conference ‘Protecting victims in the EU: the road ahead', hosted by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, with the support of the FRA. The report provides a comparative analysis of access to justice across the EU Member States and finds that there are many obstacles that make it difficult for victims to enforce their rights. This report relates mainly to civil and administrative procedures available to victims of discrimination. Although its focus is the area of non-discrimination law, its findings are generally applicable to civil and administrative procedures as a whole.
Press Release
The first comprehensive guide to European non-discrimination law is being launched at the European Court of Human Rights today, 21 March, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
STRASBOURG, VIENNA, WARSAW 21 March 2011 - In a joint statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Nils Muiznieks, Chair of the Council of Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), and Janez Lenarčič, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), strongly condemned manifestations of racism and related intolerance.
Today the Fundamental Rights Agency is publishing a report about the fundamental rights situation of persons entering Greece irregularly at its land border with Turkey. This report is based on field research in the Evros region in January 2011.
This video gives a brief overview of the FRA and its work.
Vice President of the European Commission Viviane Reding visited the FRA on 18 February 2011.
International Mother Language Day takes place on 21 February each year.