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3561 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Downloads Category / Subcategory
CFT-FRA-CAR-2009-T02-Q-A-2.pdf / 833 / Agency
( 10/08/2012 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
F-SE-12-01-Annex-B-Framework-Service-Contract / 2046 / Agency
( 10/08/2012 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
CFTDSE1101-contract-notice / 1749 / Agency
( 10/08/2012 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
FSE1102-clarifications-during-tendering / 1748 / Agency
( 10/08/2012 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Statement of revenue and expenditure for the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights for the financial year 2011 – Amending budget Nr 1 / 1744 /
( 10/08/2012 )
Administrative documents / Budget and financial documents
FRA-2012_Annual_Activity_Report_2011_EN / 2287 /
( 15/06/2012 )
Administrative documents / Annual activity reports
Management Board decision no. 2012/02 Annual Activity Report 2011 / 6550 / Agency
( 16/05/2012 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
Management Board decision no. 2012/03 Adoption of the Multi-annual Staff Policy Plan 2013-2015 / 6551 / Agency
( 16/05/2012 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
Management Board decision no. 2012/04 Adoption of the draft statement of revenue and expenditure and of the draft Annual Work Programme for the financial year 2013 / 6552 / Agency
( 16/05/2012 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
EB Decision 2012_2 Parental leave / 6519 / Agency
( 15/05/2012 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Executive Board decisions
MB opinnion on accounts 2011 / 7067 / Agency
( 15/05/2012 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
EB Decision 2012_3 Temporary occupation of management posts / 6522 / Agency
( 15/05/2012 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Executive Board decisions
EB Decision 2012_1 Middle management / 6518 / Agency
( 24/02/2012 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Executive Board decisions
Cooperation agreement between the European University Institute (EUI) and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) / 2056 / Agency
( 14/02/2012 )
Administrative documents / Cooperation agreements
Managment Board Decision no.2012/01 concerning 2013-01 Amendment of Part II - Establishment Plan (i.e. Annex A and B) of the 2013 Estimate of revenue and expenditure / 6498 / Agency
( 12/02/2012 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions