Thank you very much for your interest in cooperating through the Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP). To register for the FRP database, kindly fill in the data fields on the next four pages and click on submit. Fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory, other fields are optional.
The Fundamental Rights Platform (FRP) is FRA’s channel for cooperation and information exchange with civil society organisations active in the field of fundamental rights at national, grassroots, European or international level. The FRP is a ‘mechanism of exchange and pooling of knowledge' created for facilitating a ‘structured and fruitful dialogue' amongst civil society organisations, between civil society organisations and FRA, and between civil society organisations and other key players on human rights in the EU. The FRP is not an ‘organisation’ and there is no ‘membership’. FRA’s cooperation with civil society is defined in Art. 10 of its Founding Regulation, and is detailed in its Terms of Reference - as revised by Director's Decision 003/2017 of 17 March 2017.
FRA cooperates with:
non-governmental organisations dealing with human rights;
trade unions;
employer's organisations;
relevant social and professional organisations;
churches, religious, philosophical and non-confessional organisations;
other qualified experts of European and international bodies and organisations.
Please refer to FRA's website for information about the FRP, and in particular to the
Once you submitted your data, please be informed that we will transfer it to our database and keep it there for a period of five years. Before deleting your data, we will inform you in advance and ask you to confirm if you would like to remain in our database for another five years or if you wish your data to be deleted from our database. Should you wish us to delete your data earlier, please send an e-mail to
Should you have questions, please contact us at
Kind regards,
The FRA FRP Team
There are 22 questions in this survey.