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Germany Labour Court (Arbeitsgericht) 2015 Germany / Labour Court Gelsenkirchen/ 5 Ca 1444/15 Race/Ethnicity Migrants A gardener in public employment published hate speech postings against migrants on Facebook. He was summoned to the staff council, which immediately terminated his employment contract. He claimed that he was not the author of the hate speech postings and that someone had hacked into his Facebook account. He filed a criminal complaint for defamation and hacking. The claimant also filed a petition to the Labour Court asking for an annulment of his employment contract termination. View more
Germany Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) 2012 Germany / Higher Regional Court Frankfurt a.M. / 20 W 12/08 Religion Muslims The owner community of a real estate complex refused to give part-ownership of the complex for the purpose of creating a Muslim community centre. Part ownership was initially conferred to the group for the purpose of opening a supermarket; the owner community reversed its decision once it had become clear that the space would be used to create a Muslim community centre. The applicants applied for voiding the decision of the owner community. View more
Germany Labour Court (Arbeitsgericht) 2012 Germany / Labour Court Berlin / 55 Ca 2426/12 Religion Muslims During a job interview for the position of dental assistant, a female Muslim interviewee was asked to refrain from wearing her headscarf during work as a condition for the job. She refused and received a rejection via email. View more
Germany Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgericht) 2012 Germany / Administrative Court Meiningen/ 2 E 355/12 Me Religion Muslims Application by the right-wing party NPD for a public demonstration close to a mosque with the slogan "Stop foreign infiltration - no mosque in E." was rejected by the competent authorities because the gathering posed a threat to public safety. The applicant asked for reversing the prohibition in an urgency appeal. View more
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