

Detention issue


FRA research findings

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Legal instruments & key provisions

Legal instrument Key provision
The Police tasks and powers act (Zakon o nalogah in pooblastilih policije)In police custody, nutrition shall be guaranteed to a detained person. A person who is detained for more than 12 hours shall be provided with three meals daily, while others shall be provided with a non-cooked meal.
The Rules on the implementation of remand (Pravilnik o izvrševanju pripora)Persons in remand shall be provided with food, which suffices for maintaining their health and full physical fitness. They shall receive three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Meals are prepared on the basis of standards and menus, verified by the competent state institution and shall be served uniformly in all institutions. The food must be fresh, varied, with vitamins, and tastefully prepared and distributed in suitable tableware including the appropriate cutlery.
The Rules on the implementation of prison sentences (Pravilnik o izvrševanju kazni zapora)Convicts shall be provided with food which suffices for maintaining their health and full physical fitness (Art. 44). They shall receive three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The diet shall be balanced, varied and adapted to the daily energy needs of convicts. The menu shall be published at least one week in advance.


Year Recommendation Report
2018We recommended that the institution continue to provide quality, varied and tasty food for inmates. Report details