Observatório de Cibersegurança (Observatory of Cybersecurity) (2019), Relatório Cibersegurança em Portugal - Linha de Observação Sociedade (Cybersecurity Report in Portugal - Society Observation Line), Lisbon, Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (National




Observatório de Cibersegurança (Observatory of Cybersecurity) (2019), Relatório Cibersegurança em Portugal - Linha de Observação Sociedade (Cybersecurity Report in Portugal - Society Observation Line), Lisbon, Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (National Centre of Cybersecurity).

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


Portugal, Observatório de Cibersegurança (Observatory of Cybersecurity).

Main Thematic Focus

Public perceptions & attitudes

Target Population

General population

Key findings

This report presents some indicators on the attitudes, behaviours and education/awareness of the Portuguese citizens regarding cybersecurity, comparing, whenever possible, with the European Union. It seeks to highlight the social aspects of this reality, in particular how the internet and computing devices are perceived by users and the security practices in their use. This will define the degrees of apprehension, confidence or care in the use of digital technologies. The report addresses the issue of racial hatred and religious extremism in several of the items analysed. According to the report, in general, Portuguese citizens there are less concerned and give less attention to online material that promotes racial hatred and religious extremism, when compared to the EU. In addition, the percentage of Portuguese citizens that don’t know what to do when faced with online material that promotes racial hatred and religious extremism is higher when compared with the EU. Finally, the percentage of men that act when confronted with online material that promotes racial hatred and religious extremism is higher than women (75%).

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

The report is developed through three sub-themes: attitudes, behaviours and education/awareness. The data used are mainly from sources such as the European Commission, Eurobarometer, Eurostat, the Directorate-General for Higher Education, the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics and the National Statistics Institute. However, this report includes contents and analysis that are the responsibility of the Cybersecurity Observatory. The analysis is essentially quantitative.

Sample details and representativeness


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