Poland / Regional Court in Czestochowa / VII Ka 139/18




Poland / Regional Court in Czestochowa / VII Ka 139/18

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Decision/ruling/judgment date

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Incident(s) concerned/related

Incitement to violence or hatred

Related Bias motivation


Groups affected


Court/Body type

National Court


Regional Court in Czestochowa

Key facts of the case

The defendant (M.P.) was accused of publicly inciting hatred against foreign nationals and followers of other religions, by placing on his profile on the social media calls to aggression against the Muslim community, in particular by tearing down their places of worship and posting graphics calling for the use of violence against Muslims. The District Court in Czestochowa (court of the I instance) discontinued the criminal proceedings for the probation period of 1 year, considering that the guilt of the defendant and social harmfulness of the offense were not significant. The Regional Court in Czestochowa (court of the II instance) repealed the judgement of the I instance court, finding that the degree of the defendant's fault and the social harmfulness of his act cannot be considered insignificant.

Main reasoning/argumentation

According to the Regional Court, commitment of a crime of a hate speech against people of certain national, ethnic, racial or religious background compromises the fundamental principles of the democratic system therefore this type of behavior must be particularly stigmatized. The crime is even more serious when it takes place in the public sphere, which may lead to the demoralization of a large group of the recipients of such information, especially in a situation where the space for publishing a statement inciting hatred is the social media. The social harmfullness of such act is significant especially in a situation of the increased religious and political tensions in Europe.

Is the case related to the application of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia, the Racial Equality Directive?

Key issues (concepts, interpretations) clarified by the case

The defendant's subjective feeling that his incitement has no chance of being fulfilled is irrelevant. The offense in question is a formal offense, not aimed at achieving any effect, so it is not the Court's role to determine whether the behavior resulting from the content of the defendant's post in social media is possible. There is no doubt that the content of his post was a manifestation of religious hatred and this is of a key importance for the proceedings.

Results (sanctions, outcome) and key consequences or implications of the case

The ruling of the District Court in Czestochowa was repealed by the II instance court which ordered re-conducting the court proceedings.

Key quotation in original language and its unofficial translation into English with reference details

"Popełnienie przestępstwa nawoływania do nienawiści na tle różnic narodowościowych, etnicznych, rasowych, wyznaniowych albo ze względu na bezwyznaniowość uderza w fundamentalne zasady ustroju demokratycznego i z pewnością przejawy tego typu zachowań muszą być szczególnie piętnowane. Przestępstwo to jest o tyle poważniejsze, że jego dokonanie ma miejsce w sferze publicznej, co może prowadzić do demoralizacji dużego grona odbiorców tak przekazanej informacji, szczególnie w sytuacji, kiedy przestrzenią publikacji hasła nawołującego do nienawiści jest środek masowego przekazu, którym z pewnością jest internetowy portal społecznościowy. Z tych względów nie można mówić o nieznacznej społecznej szkodliwości czynu."

"Committing the crime of a hate speech against people of certain national, ethnic, racial or religious background compromises the fundamental principles of the democratic system therefore this type of behavior must be particularly stigmatized. The crime is ven more serious when it takes place in the public sphere, which may lead to the demoralization of a large group of the recipients of such information, especially in a situation where the space for publishing a slogan inciting hatred is mass media, inlcuding social media. For these reasons, the social harmfulness of the act has to be considered as significant."

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