

Detention issue

Cell space

FRA research findings

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Legal instruments & key provisions

Legal instrument Key provision
Detention Decree (16/2014. (XII. 19.) IM rendelet a szabadságvesztés, az elzárás, az előzetes letartóztatás és a rendbírság helyébe lépő elzárás végrehajtásának részletes szabályairól)The living space available for detainees held in penitentiary institutions must be at least 6 m2 in a single occupancy cell or at least 4 m2 in a multi-occupancy cell. In cases where the cell is meant to accommodate one prisoner, it has to provide at least 6 m2 of living space for the prisoner. When calculating cell sizes, the bathroom and the toilet do not count towards the stipulated minimum size of the cell.


Year Recommendation Report
2017The NPM found during his visits to detention facilities that cells in several penitentiary institutions in Hungary did not meet the statutory minimum size per capita of living space. The NPM recommended the following: Due to the inadequate lighting of premises, the dirty, mouldy walls, the worn furniture, and the degraded courtyard, the Central Holding Facility should be completely renovated. Report details
2018The NPM report requests the Chief Commander of the National Penitentiary System to make sure that the toilets in every multi-occupancy cell are partitioned in a way to allow the detainees to use them in a separate space and to make sure that damaged cell equipment and furniture are repaired as soon as possible. Report details
2019The NPM report request an effort to guarantee the minimum 6 m2 living space in the cells and highlights the need to guarantee the availability of a sufficient number of showers with adequate ventilation, the reparation or replacement of broken items in the toilets and the regular change of bedsheets. Report details