

Detention issue

Cell space

FRA research findings

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Legal instruments & key provisions

Legal instrument Key provision
The Criminal procedure act (Zakon o kazenskem postopku)In policy custody, the cell area shall be as follows: free floor area (excluding equipment and sanitary area) of at least 6 m2 if the space is intended for the detention of only one person, and at least 2 m2 shall be available for every additional detainee, while the height of the area shall be at least 2.5 m.
The Rules on the implementation of prison sentences (Pravilnik o izvrševanju kazni zapora)The national standard for cell space available to a person in remand or a convict is 9 m2 in a single-occupancy cell and 7 m2 in a multiple-occupancy cell. There must be at least 2 m of space between the walls and the ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m.


Year Recommendation Report
2017The NPM recommended to Celje Prison and Juvenile Prison that standards or size (floor area) of living premises be observed when accommodating prisoners regarding the actual number of persons accommodated in an individual room. Furthermore, the NPM recommended to Rogoza Open Unit of Maribor Prison that the head of the unit and the nurse continue to inspect rooms and that the possibility of introducing this practice also in other prisons or their units be examined. Report details
2018We reiterated our recommendation to the Ministry of Interior (MI) to examine the possibilities of arranging access to running water in the short-term detention facility marked with number 1 during the next renovation of the premises. We again recommended to the MI to examine the possibilities for repairing cracked walls in the space for longer detention, and that a longer-term solution be found so that the walls would no longer be cracked. We again recommended to the MI to check the adequacy of the operation of the ventilation system in detention room No. 3 and, if necessary, in other spaces for detention. If the origin of unpleasant odours cannot be attributed to the ventilation system in the room, NPM again suggests that staff consider more efficient room ventilation during detention, as this must be done humanely, so that the detainee is not exposed to unpleasant odours. Report details