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Denmark Østre Landsret (The Eastern National Court) 2021 Denmark / National Court / Religion Muslims The case concerned whether the accused by a range of circumstances had violated § 266 b of the Danish Criminal Code (commonly known as "the racism paragraph"). The accused were found guilty in violating § 266 b in six of the circumstances. The circumstances was related to a range of statements regarding people from Greenland, Muslims and people living in the so-called "ghettos". The statements were delivered both online and during demonstrations. The case was distinct in the… View more
North Macedonia Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination (Комисија за спречување и заштита од дискриминација) 2021 North Macedonia / Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination (Комисија за спречување и заштита од дискриминација) / No.0801-402/1 Religion Muslims A pupil from seventh grade in a private francophone primary school was signed off unilaterally by the school itself on 30 June 2022, i.e. was expelled from the school. The legal representative of the parents raised a discrimination claim in front of the equailty body claiming that the child was expelled due to their Muslim religious backgrond. The CPPD found no discrimination. View more
Serbia The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality (Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti) 2021 Serbia / The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality / 07-00-00146/2021-02 Migrant status refugees & asylum seekers The NGO Atina informed the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality about a poster in the public transportation that read: “Stop migrants from occupying Serbia.” Atina argued that the poster incited hatred and intolerance against migrants. View more
Belgium Ghent Court of Appeal (Hof van Beroep Gent) 2021 Belgium / Hof van Beroep Gent / Gand, 24-06-2021 Religion Muslims The case concerns discriminatory rules applied in a municipal pool that forbid the use of swimwear that covers the entire body (burqini). It was brought by a woman who was prevented from using the pool because of her swimwear. View more
Bulgaria Supreme Administrative Court (Върховен административен съд) 2021 Bulgaria / Supreme Administrative Court / Decision No 7027 of 10 June 2021 on administrative case No 9978/2020 Religion Muslims The case concerns discrimination on the grounds of religion. A Muslim man serving a prison sentence claimed compensation for damages caused by the prison administration's failure to provide him with food in accordance with his religion. On his admission to prison, the applicant informed the administration that he practised Islam and requested that his diet not include pork. The prison administration did not respect the prisoner's wishes, which caused him to experience negative… View more
Bulgaria Administrative Court - Pazardzhik (Административен съд - Пазарджик) 2021 Bulgaria / Administrative Court - Pazardzhik / Decision No 934 of 15 December 2021 on administrative case No 340/2021, ECLI:BG:AD715:2021:20210700340.001 Religion Muslims The case concerns the discrimination of a Muslim prisoner. The applicant, a Muslim serving a prison sentence, had his beard shaved off against his will. The shaving was done for no medical or hygiene reasons, despite the applicant’s verbal refusals, and while he was bound and handcuffed. The applicant claimed that the shaving was an act of discrimination that violated his human dignity and caused him to feel inferior and powerless. Based on the applicant’s complaint, the equality body… View more
Belgium Brussels Criminal Court (Tribunal correctionnel Bruxelles) 2021 Belgium / Tribunal correctionnel Bruxelles / Trib.corr.Bxl. , 29-06-2021 Religion Muslims The case concerns a woman who posted and shared multiple hate messages targeting the Muslim community, including calling for the eradication of Islam. View more
Croatia Municipal Court in Pula - Pola / Općinski sud u Puli - Pola 2021 Croatia / Municipal Court In Pula - Pola / K-104/21 Religion Muslims <p>The perpetrator was found guilty of having committed a criminal offense against personal freedom - threat. The perpetrator threatened three people of the Muslim religion. Among others, he stated that he would kill them and their family, bury them where the mosque is being built, that he would kill all their friends, that he would set fire to the mosque, while approaching the victims with a telescopic baton.</p> View more
Cyprus Cyprus Media Complaints Commission 2021 Cyprus/Cyprus Media Complaints Commission/ Racist discourse and discrimination, Complaint no. 12/2021, 29 June 2021. Race/Ethnicity Muslims A teacher filed a complaint to the Cyprus Media Complaints Commission against the newspaper 'Alithia' for its front page article on 16.3.21 entitled 'Help us Minister, do as you did in Chloraka'. The article stated that in the village of Droushia the number of Syrian children exceeds that of Cypriot children and called on the Interior Minister to ban the settlement of more migrants in the area. View more
Sweden Supreme Court (Högsta Domstolen) 2021 Sweden / Supreme Court / Målnummer Ö 2343-18 Race/Ethnicity eu citizens & nationals with migrant background The case concerned a passenger of Chilean origin (PAG) who was subjected to an extra security check in connection with a domestic flight in Sweden. The Equality Ombudsman (Diskrimineringsombudsmannen, DO) brought an action, claiming that the airline had subjected PAG to direct discrimination by assuming him to be an Arab person and forcing him to undergo an extra security check. The airline had therefore disadvantaged PAG for reasons relating to his physical appearance and ethnicity. The… View more
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