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Lithuania | The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas) | 2020 | Lithuania / Supreme administrative court of Lithuania / administrative case No. A-1437-662/2020 | Religion | Muslims | A convicted person stated that the prison authorities had not provided food according to his religious beliefs. When the pork-based-food is served in the prison canteen, the authorities offered a vegetarian option to the convict. However, the plaintiff stated that he is a Muslim, not a vegetarian, and meat is necessary to diet. The convicted also complained that he was denied his right to a Friday prayer together with other Muslims on several occasions . | View more |
Lithuania | Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas [Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania] | 2020 | Lithuania / Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas / A-1437-662/2020 | Religion | Muslims | On February 5th, 2019, the applicant appealed against the decision of the Vilnius District Administrative Court, which was unfavorable to him. In his complaint, the applicant sought non-pecuniary damages compensation and claimed that he was discriminated against as a Muslim who adhered to his religious beliefs. He argued that he was not receiving meat other than pork in the prison, especially when other persons such as vegetarians had opportunities for a special diet. He also noted that Muslims… | View more |
Lithuania | The Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Lietuvos yyriausiasis administracinis teismas) | 2019 | Lithuania / Supreme administrative court of Lithuania / administrative case No. A-1854-662/2019 | Religion | Muslims | A convicted person complained that he lodged request to prison authorities to have halal food and that he asked for an answer to his request in russian or kyrgyz language. The prison authorities did not approve his request and replied in Lithuanian language. | View more |
Lithuania | Regional court (Apygardos teismas) | 2017 | Lithuania / Vilnius Regional Court / Criminal case No. 1S-94-1020/2017 | Migrant status | Refugees & asylum seekers | The case concerns online incitement to hatred and violence. European Foundation of Human Rights, non-governmental human rights organization, lodged complaint of commentary on public article "Danish parliamentary shuddered with request to shoot migrant boats" of following words: "Good idea - each country and her citizens are OBLIGATED to defend themselves and country from parasites-occupants. Deport everyone!". | View more |
Lithuania | Kaunas Regional Court (Kauno apygardos teismas) | 2017 | Lithuania / Kaunas Regional Court / Criminal case No. 1A-531-530/2017 / | Nationality | Migrants | The case id about violence and incitement to hatred in a car lot against a migrant. Accused persons shouted racial slurs against the victim, told him to return to the country of origin, threatened to pull out a gun, and two times slapped his face and hitted leg. | View more |
Lithuania | Kaunas District Court | 2016 | Lithuania / Kaunas District Court / Judgment of in the criminal case no. 1-384-240/2016 | Nationality | Migrants | L.K. and V.K. were accused of incitement to discrimination, violence and physical violent treatment against a group of persons on grounds of nationality and social status (Article 170 (paragraphs 2 and 3) of the Criminal Code, because they displayed posters with the statement "SUDEGINK RUKLĄ DEPORTUOK VYRIAUSYBĘ IMIGRANTAI WELCOME!" ("Burn Rukla deport Government immigrants welcome") in public places. | View more |
Lithuania | Kedainiai district court | 2016 | Lithuania / Kedainiai district court / penal order in the criminal case no. 1-303-836/2016 | Religion, Race/Ethnicity | Muslims, Refugees & asylum seekers | M.J. from Lithuania publicly wrote two comments on the online article “The fat is in the fire: refugee Basir tricked Lithuania” („Yla išlindo iš maišo: pabėgėlis Basiras apgavo Lietuvą“) on the news portal “”. A court of first instance decided that by writing the comments, M.J. publicly incited violence and physical violent treatment of Muslims on a grounds of nationality, publicly ridiculed, expressed contempt for, and urged hatred of refugees (Article 170 (paragraphs 2 and 3) of… | View more |
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