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Denmark National higher court (Østre Landsret) 2018 Denmark / the Eastern High Court/ available in the Journal of Criminal Law (Tidsskrift for Kriminalret), TfK 2018.383 Ø (appeal decision) Religion Muslims The defendant wrote a comment on a politician's open Facebook page about a Muslim woman who is known to the public. The defendant wrote “She should be deported or shot for treason as the Muslim she is … Ew!!” View more
Denmark National court (Retten i Frederiksberg) 2017 Denmark / The District Court of Frederiksberg Religion Muslims The defendant participated in a debate on a newspaper’s webpage. The defendant wrote “Denmark is not free before the last dirty Muslim nazi-pig is eliminated” View more
Denmark national court (Retten i Randers) 2017 Denmark / The District Court of Randers Religion Muslims The defendant wrote a comment on an article on Facebook about 8.000 Muslims celebrating the end of Ramadan with an Eid-party in Copenhagen. The defendant wrote “A very good opportunity to … you know what … BOOM”. View more
Denmark National city court (Retten i Viborg) 2017 Denmark/ The District Court of Viborg Religion Muslims The defendant participated in a debate on another person’s Facebook page where the following was written: ”They ask. how we solve terror in dk7. Easy: free hunt on all Muslims, like you shoot goats.” To that the defendant wrote “You just say when you will start to gas the shit, would be a pleasure to join in”. View more
Denmark Eastern High Court 2016 Denmark / Eastern High Court / Decision no. U.2016.2066Ø Religion Muslims The Higher Court convicted a well-known Danish politician for incitement to violence (hate speech).The politician wrote the following statement on Twitter: "The Muslims continue where Hitler left. The situation will only change if they get the same treatment as Hitler". The defendant had already been convicted by a lower court. View more
Denmark Eastern High Court 2016 Denmark / Eastern High Court / U.2016.3158Ø Religion Muslims The Higher Court acquitted a man of incitement to hatred (hate speech). The defendant had an open Facebook profile and compared the ideology of Islam with Nazism and wrote that the migration of Islamists was destructive for the Danish society. The Higher Court did not find that the ideology of Islam was protected as such by the Danish Criminal Code and therefore acquitted him. The lower court had found him guilty. View more
Denmark City Court of Glostrup 2015 Denmark / City Court of Glostrup / SS 1706/2015 Religion Muslims A Danish politician was found guilty of incitement to violence or hatred. The former member of the Danish Parliament and the European Parliament, and currently a member of the City Council of Glostrup, had made a post on social media, Twitter, comparing Muslims to the Holocaust and concluding that they should be treated the same. View more
Denmark District Court of Randers 2015 Denmark / District Court of Randers Religion Muslims The District Court of Randers found the defendant guilty of incitement to hatred (hate speech). The defendant participated in a debate on the Facebook page of a Danish newspaper and wrote among other things the following to the victim; "Fuck you, you Quran fascist" and continued with a longer rant. View more
Denmark District Court of Hillerød 2015 Denmark / District Court of Hillerød Religion Muslims The District Court of Hillerød convicted a man of incitement to hatred (hate speech). The man had written a longer statement on his private Facebook page where he commented on Muslims and among others compared them to monkeys. The District Court found that the statements could be read by a broader audience even though they were published on a private Facebook page and therefore found him guilty. View more
Denmark District Court of Svendborg 2015 Denmark / District Court of Svendborg Religion Muslims The District Court of Svendborg found the defendant guilty of incitement to violence (hate speech). The defendant had participated in a debate on the Facebook page of a group that was against mosques in Denmark, writing: "Jubiiiii death on all Muslims" . The defendant was accused of violating the law by making a statement that threatens, degrades or demeans a group of persons. View more
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