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Greece Third Single-Member Felony Appeals Court of Athens 2015 Greece / Third Single-Member Felony Appeals Court of Athens / Third Single-Member Felony Appeals Court of Athens / Bademi and others case Race/Ethnicity Foreigners The Felony Appeals Court of Athens in May 2015 found three men guilty of attacking two women during a national parade on October 28, 2011 because they were considered “foreigners”. Throughout the trial their links to the Golden Dawn party were considered a determining factor for establishing a racist motive behind the offences. This was the second time a Greek Court condemned perpetrators for carrying out a crime with a bias motive (the first was the Luqman Decision above). They were convicted… View more
Greece Athens Court of Misdemeanours 2014 Greece / Athens Single-Member Court of Misdemeanours / Decision 65738/2014 / Case of Alexandros Plomaritis Race/Ethnicity Migrants, Refugees & asylum seekers The Athens Single-Members Court of Misdemeanours convicted a known Golden Dawn Member and MP candidate under article 1 of the Anti-Racist Law 927/1979, which punishes the public incitement of violence or hate. He was convicted to one year imprisonment and a three-year suspended sentence for referring to migrants, inter alia, as “sub-human” and “taints” during an interview for a documentary that was aired on Channel 4 with the title "The Cleaners". The Court attempted to clarify the… View more
Greece First Instance Court of Thessaloniki 2014 Greece / First Instance Court of Thessaloniki Race/Ethnicity Black people or of African origin, Migrants In April 2013, a public bus driver in Thessaloniki was accused of discrimination. He stopped the bus and ordered two African passengers to get off the bus, claiming that they were not holding valid tickets. According to witnesses the actual motive was related to the racial origin of the two passengers, since, after they got off, the driver screamed that he was "chrysafgitis", i.e. a fan of the Golden Dawn, and showed a medallion with the symbol of the “Golden Dawn” party in an effort… View more
Greece Mixed Jury Court of Athens 2014 Greece / Mixed Jury Court of Athens /Decision 398/2014 / Shehzad Luqman Case Race/Ethnicity, Religion, Race/Ethnicity Migrants, Muslims The Mixed Jury Court of Athens convicted two men with alleged ties to the Golden Dawn party for murdering Shehzad Luqman, a 27 year-old worker from Pakistan on his way to work. The Judgment of the Court was the first to examine the elements capable of establishing a racist motive such as the circumstances of the attack, the vulnerability and identity of the victim and the modus operandi of the perpetrators. The accused were sentenced to life in prison with the aggravating circumstance of racist… View more
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