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Netherlands Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) 2019 Netherlands / Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) (2019), Case no. 17/05728, 3 December 2019, ECLI:NL:HR:2019:1816, available at: Religion Muslims A Christian preacher with the American nationality made in public in the centre of the city of Eindhoven several anti-Muslims statements in the English language, like "Moslims are bad”, “Moslims are terrorists” and “All Moslims will go to hell”. In this ruling the Supreme court confirms the ruling by the Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch on 22 November 2017 which convicted the preacher for group insult for making the statement “Moslims are terrorists” under article 137c of the… View more
Netherlands Netherlands / Administrative High Court 2019 Netherlands / Administrative High Court / 17/2755 PW Religion Muslims A muslim man receives social assistance benefit from the municipality of Tilburg. If you receive social assistance, you are obliged to make use of the possibilities offered by the municipality to get a job or to increase the chances of finding a job, for example by attending a training course. The muslim man attend each friday afternoon the mosque out of religious convictions. He was offered a trainee ship during which he had to work also on Friday afternoons. The municipality reduced the… View more
Netherlands District Court AmsterdamI 2019 Netherlands / District Court Amsterdam / Case no.659113-17, ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2019:34 Race/Ethnicity, Race/Ethnicity Black people or of African origin A man made a website and placed on this website racist statements in both Dutch and English. Examples of these statements are: “Only inferior White women date outside of their race. Be proud of your heritage, don’t be a race mixing slut” ; “racial mixing is the worst crime” ; “Stop White Genocide” ; “Is you disobey the seventh commandment, commit adultery (mongrelize with a non-white) and conception takes place, the child is a mongrel (bastard). He is impure, imperfect and inferior physically,… View more
Netherlands Court of Appeal Amsterdam (Gerechtshof Amsterdam) 2018 Netherlands / Court of Appeal Amsterdam / Case no. 23-001502-18, ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2018:3942 Race/Ethnicity, Religion Migrants A supporter of Dutch politician Geert Wilders made in a televsion documentary about Geert Wilders several derogatory statements about Arabs or Muslims. He spoke about Arabs as 'fervent butt bangers' who also 'fuck little boys', 'that is normal in their culture'. He was charged with group insult on basis of article 137c of the Dutch Criminal Code. The Court of Appeal acquitted him on 9 March 2016 ( ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2016:828 ). The Supreme Court ruled on 10 April 2018… View more
Netherlands Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) 2018 Netherlands / Supreme Court / Case no. 16/01810, ECLI:NL:HR:2018:539 Race/Ethnicity, Religion Migrants A supporter of Dutch politician Geert Wilders made in a documentary about Geert Wilders several derogatory statements about Muslims and/or Arabs. He spoke about Arabs as 'fervent butt bangers' who also 'fuck little boys', 'that is normal in their culture'. He was charged with group insult on basis of article 137c of the Dutch Criminal Code. The Court of Appeal acquitted him on 9 March 2016 ( ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2016:828 ). The Court of Appeal was of the opinion that the… View more
Netherlands Netherlands / District Court Overijssel 2017 Netherlands / District Court Overijssel / Case no. 08/710027-16 (P) Religion Muslims A 61-year-old woman wrote in a response to an article on the Facebook page of local broadcaster RTV Oost that the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. She also described Muslims as a cancer tumor from which the Netherlands should be freed. During the court sessionwoman expressed her regret and showed insight into the punishable nature of her actions. She also explained about the difficult personal circumstances in which she was at the time and which were the basis for the creation of the present… View more
Netherlands Netherlands / Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch 2017 Netherlands / Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch / Case no. 17/05728 Religion Muslims A Christian preacher with the American nationality made in public in the centre of the city of Eindhoven several anti-Muslims statements like "Moslims are bad”, “Moslims are terrorists” and “All Moslims will go to hell”. The Court of Appeal convicted her for group insult for making the statement “Moslims are terrorists” under article 137c of the Dutch Criminal Code. In the eyes of the Court, this statement by the preacher was insulting of Muslims and did not contribute to any public… View more
Netherlands District Court Amsterdam (Rechtbank Amsterdam) 2017 Netherlands / District Court Amsterdam / Case no.13/674287-16 . ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2017:3347 Race/Ethnicity, Race/Ethnicity Black people or of African origin Sylvana Simons is a former television presenter who announced in 2016 she was going into politics. Sylvana Simons is black and is well known for her stance against the figure of Black Pete, a stereotypical black-face figure which is the companion of Saint Nicholas whose name day is celebrated each 5 December in the Netherlands. On announcing in 2016 she was going into politics thousands of people posted threats and insults on internet and social media. The Public Prosecution Serviced decided to… View more
Netherlands Court of Appeal Amsterdam (Gerechtshof Amsterdam) 2016 Netherlands / Court of Appeal Amsterdam / Case no. 23-003966-13

Religion Muslims In a documentary about the Dutch politician Geert Wilders a man, presented as a follower of Geert Wilders, spoke about Arabs as “fervent ass crashers” (fervent kontenbonkers), who also “fuck young boys”. According to him this is “normal in their culture”. The Court of Appeal decided that these statements do not constitute an insult of Muslims on the ground of their religion, under Article 137c of the Dutch Criminal Code. The Court believed that the accused meant Muslims when he talked about… View more
Netherlands International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 2016 UN, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights / No. 2124/2011 / Mohamed Rabbae, A.B.S and N.A. v. The Netherlands Religion, Nationality Muslims, Migrants The claimants, Muslims and Moroccan nationals, joined the criminal proceedings as an aggrieved party and claimed a symbolic compensation of EUR 1 against Geert Wilders, a Member of Parliament and the founder of the extreme right-wing political Party for Freedom. They joined the criminal proceedings as alleged injured parties. Their purpose was to clarify the limits of what can be said in political debates and to establish the practical meaning of their right to be protected from incitement to… View more
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