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Netherlands Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) 2016 Netherlands / Supreme Court / Case no. 15/00599

Race/Ethnicity Migrants During a demonstration in Enschede on 28 May 2011, a member of the extreme-right party Dutch Peoples-Union (Nederlandse Volksunie) shouted in public: “Ali B. en Mustapha, ga toch terug naar Ankara” [Ali B. and Mustapha, move back to Ankara]. He also said by megaphone: “'Vandaag demonstreren we tegen de multiculturele terreur en voor een totale immigratiestop”. [“today we demonstrate against the multicultural terror and for a total immigration stop”]. Because he made these statements in… View more
Netherlands District Court North Holland (Rechtbank Noord-Holland) 2016 Netherlands / District Court North Holland / Case no. 15-155584-15 (P)

Religion Muslims A Facebook user placed statements on a public Facebook page that were insulting to a group of people because of their religion (in particular Muslims), as evidenced by the reaction of other Facebook users. An example of a statement made by the suspect: “Just fuck off with those dirty filthy stinking Muslims who just fuck goats and want to rape our women, because their wives are too dirty!!" The user later renounced these statements and recognizes that these statements are very offensive to… View more
Netherlands District Court Midden-Nederland (Rechtbank Midden-Nederland) 2016 Netherlands / District Court Midden-Nederland / Case no. 16/652077-16

Religion Muslims On 11 October 2015 during a Pegida demonstration a woman said during her speech: "Another reason to despise and hate Muslims is their insane ideology. Because it's never the religion of peace." She placed her speech in written form on het Facebook-page. The Court decided that that the woman has been publicly guilty of insult, incitement to hatred, and the discrimination of Muslims. The court sentenced the woman for insulting a group and inciting hatred and discrimination against… View more
Netherlands District Court Overijssel (Rechtbank Overijssel) 2016 Netherlands / District Court Overijssel / Case no. 08/952265-16

Religion Muslims On 27 February 2016, five extreme right men attacked a mosque in the city of Enschede by throwing Molotov cocktails. Approximately 30 people, including children, were inside the mosque at that time. Nobody was injured in the attack and it did not cause serious damage to the mosque. Motivation for these attacks was to cause anxiety among Muslims and to stop the municipality opening a new reception centre for asylum seekers. The court convicted the five men, stating the attack had "terrorist… View more
Netherlands District Court The Hague (Rechtbank Den Haag) 2016 Netherlands / District Court The Hague / Case no. 09/837304-15

Race/Ethnicity, Race/Ethnicity Black people or of African origin On 19 March 2014 elections for municipal government were held. The political party PVV of Geert Wilders participated in those election in two municipalities: Almere and the Hague. On the election night Wilders asked his audience during a meeting of party followers in the Hague: “do you want more or less Moroccans in this city and in the Netherlands?”. In response, the audience - which was instructed beforehand - repeatedly chanted “less”. Subsequently more than 6000 people pressed charges… View more
Netherlands District Court Amsterdam (Rechtbank Amsterdam) 2014 Netherlands / District Court Amsterdam / Case no. 13-650167-13

Race/Ethnicity Black people or of African origin The moderator of a website opened a thread in which internet users were invited to vent their racist opinions. The owner and moderator of the website placed racist cartoons on this thread. Subsequently, internet users placed racist texts on this thread. The Dutch Complaints Bureau on Internet Discrimination reported this thread to the police. The Public Prosecution Service decided to prosecute the owner and moderator for making public statements or disseminating statements of which the… View more
Netherlands Court of Appeal Amsterdam (Gerechtshof Amsterdam) 2014 Netherlands / Court of Appeal Amsterdam / Case no. 23-003039-12

Race/Ethnicity, Religion Muslims, Migrants In 2010, a man in the city of Zaandam wrote texts in graffiti on a residential building insulting Muslims and Turks . Examples of the texts include "Muslim Murder is top", "Turks stink" etc. The Court of Appeal decided that these texts constituted group insult as criminalised by article 137c of the Dutch criminal code. This article criminalizes group insults on several grounds including race and religion. Turks fall under the definition of race. View more
Netherlands Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) 2012 Netherlands / Supreme Court / Case no. 11/00864

Race/Ethnicity, Religion Muslims, Migrants In this case, the Supreme Court confirmed the judgement of the Court of Appeal convicting a man who put texts comparing Muslims and people of Turkish descent with monkeys, cockroaches, rats and rapists on his own website. The Court of Appeal convicted the accused under Article 137c of the Dutch criminal code which criminalizes group insult. Any claim by the owners that these texts were permissible because of their humourist character were rejected. The Supreme Court iclarified that the… View more
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