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Sweden Supreme Court (Högsta domstolen) 2014 Sweden / Supreme Court / Case no. T 3592-13 Religion Muslims The Supreme Court found a bus company guilty of discrimination of two passengers through the actions of its employee. A woman with hijab and her husband sat on the bus when the driver stopped, pushed away the woman’s knee from the stop button and shouted that they should return to “Taliban country”. The Discrimination Ombudsman pressed charges for ethnic and religious discrimination and harassment (trakasserier). The District Court found the bus company guilty of discrimination and sentenced… View more
Sweden Scania and Blekinge Court of Appeal (Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge) 2014 Sweden / Scania and Blekinge Court of Appeal / Case no. B 1243-14 Religion Muslims Scania and Blekinge Court of Appeal (Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge) overruled a verdict by Malmö District Court (Malmö tingsrätt) changing the legal classification of a crime from assault to hate crime. The case concerned a man R.Å. that attacked two women with headscarves. The District Court did not find evidence of any intent to injure the women on grounds of their religious attribute, e.g. the phrase “you are ruining the country” could not be interpreted in as such intent. However, the… View more
Sweden Court of Appeal for Western Sweden (Hovrätten för västra Sverige) 2014 Sweden / Court of Appeal for Western Sweden / Case no. B 5049-14 Race/Ethnicity EU citizens & nationals with migrant background, Third country nationals, Migrants The Court of Appeal for Western Sweden (Hovrätten för Västra Sverige) overruled Gothenburg District Court’s (Göteborgs tingsrätt) verdict regarding the crime classification of the abuse a woman, P.A. was subjected to on a public bus. The perpetrator spat in her face and called her “Chinese whore” referring to P.A.’s Asian facial features. The District Court found the perpetrator, F.P. guilty of incitement of hatred/hate speech (hets mot folkgrupp) since his actions met the prerequisites a) the… View more
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