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Slovakia | The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic (Najvyšší súd Slovenskej Republiky) | 2017 | Slovakia / Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic | Religion | Muslims | The defendant was accused of making a publicly available video where she publicly threatened a group of persons with death and grave injury or other harm based on their religion. She was also accused of incitement to hatred and public defamation against a group of persons by making extremist materials. | View more |
Slovakia | The Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic (Najvyšší súd Slovenskej Republiky) | 2017 | Slovakia / Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic | Race/Ethnicity, Race/Ethnicity | EU citizens & nationals with migrant background | The defendant in this case was accused of attacking a French citizen of migrant origin , constituting a criminal offence of damage on health with a specific racially-biased motive. The racial motivation of the attack was also considered by reference to additional evidence - by "liking" the Facebook page of a certain group. The Supreme Court revoked the decision of the lower court for lack of evidence. | View more |
Slovakia | The Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission (Rada pre vysielanie a retransmisiu (RVR) | 2017 | Slovakia / The Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission | Race/Ethnicity, Religion | Muslims, Migrants | The Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission (RVR) fined the broadcaster of Žilina-based Radio Frontinus for a talk show attended by Milan Mazurek, MP of the far-right People’s Party – Our Slovakia (ĽSNS). The talk show was broadcast on 2 October 2016. The RVR claimed it was not impartial as Mazurek was the only guest. Moreover, RVR also sanctioned the radio with a notice of law violation for Mazurek’s offensive statements against Roma and Muslim migrants. | View more |
Slovakia | Regional Court Bratislava | 2017 | Slovakia / Regional Court Bratislava/1To/68/2017 | Religion | Muslims | The case concerns a verbal attack on a Muslim woman in a public space. Perpetrator tried to pull down her hijab while shouting that "scarves do not belong in Slovakia". District Court Bratislava assessed the case as a misdemeanour rather than a criminal offense and referred the case to the District Office Bratislava (case 2T-8-2017). This resolution was appealed by the District Prosecutor´s Office arguing that the act was clearly an ethnically and racially motivated hate crime. The… | View more |
Slovakia | District Court Žilina (Okresný súd Žilina) | 2016 | Slovakia / District Court Žilina / 29T/71/2015 | Race/Ethnicity, Religion, Race/Ethnicity, Nationality | Muslims, Migrants, Third country nationals, Refugees & asylum seekers | The defendant made a public advertisement in 2015 offering a job stating - "shooting of immigrants in the accommodation facility for 25 Eur/person". In addition, he published a video on his social media profile voicing hateful speech against migrants, specifically Muslims and people of migrant origin (including Syrians and Libyans). | View more |
Slovakia | Regional Court in Bratislava | 2016 |
Slovakia / Regional Court in Bratislava Šamko, P. (2016), 'Prime Minister, Freedom of Speech and a Compact Muslim Community' (Predseda vlády, sloboda prejavu a ucelená moslimská komunita), Právne listy |
Religion | Muslims | The complainant in the criminal complaint brought to the Prosecutor´s Office argued that the Slovak Prime Minister committed a crime of public defamation; incitement to hatred and intimidation. The complaint referred to public statements of the PM calling for preventing the formation of a "compact Muslim community" and stating "we do not want our women to be harassed in public space". The Regional Prosecutor refused the criminal complaint. | View more |
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