Discrimination because of Islamic religious confession in the work life - Findings, questions and recommendation for actions. Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, (Diskriminierung aufgrund der islamischen Religionszugehörigkeit im Kontext Arbeitsleben - E




Discrimination because of Islamic religious confession in the work life - Findings, questions and recommendation for actions. Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, (Diskriminierung aufgrund der islamischen Religionszugehörigkeit im Kontext Arbeitsleben - Erkenntnisse, Fragen und Handlungsempfehlungen, Antidiskriminierungstelle des Bundes).

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Type of publication

Study - qualitative research

Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


Germany, Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency | Antidiskriminierungstelle des Bundes

Main Thematic Focus


Target Population


Key findings

On discrimination of Muslims, empirical research in Germany is still underdeveloped; identifying it among other grounds (ethnicity, gender, poss. age and social status) is challenging.
Predominately qualitative data suggest that Muslims face discrimination in employment primarily due to prejudices related to their ethnic origin. Some employers seem to expect negative customer reactions to Muslim staff; cases of gate keepers showing anti-Muslim resentments are described.
Muslim women are affected by regulations and practices at the working place (i.e. re. scarf); legal exclusion or restrictions by clerical organisations are not yet sufficiently researched. The study provides recommendations for legislators and stakeholders for preventing discrimination in hiring and at the work place.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

State of the art analysis of empirical research results and studies; identification of gaps in research on discrimination of Muslims in Germany. Qualitative document analysis.

Sample details and representativeness


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