United Nations (UN), Human Rights Council (2013), Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Mutuma Ruteere. Addendum. Mission to Spain: comments by the State on the report




United Nations (UN), Human Rights Council (2013), Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Mutuma Ruteere. Addendum. Mission to Spain: comments by the State on the report of the Special Rapporteur*, 28 May 2013, available at: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session23/A.HRC.23.56.Add.3_ENG.pdf

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

UN body


UN Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

Main Thematic Focus

Ethnic profiling

Target Population

Public servants

Key findings

After a mission to Spain the Special Rapporteur and the publication of recommendations towards the Spanish Government, this Government responded to the General Assembly with this document.

Among other points the rapporteur noted that:
The Government of Spain deems it necessary to clarify that it firmly condemns any public discourse of a racist or xenophobic nature.
The Government would like to remind that it is in the process of elaborating the II National Human Rights Plan.
The Government recalls that medical assistance to detainees is provided and that NGOs have free access to detention centres provided that their visits do not interfere with the centre’s internal functioning.
The Government submits that is already promoting investigations to fight hate speech and on the internet by the specialized Police units

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

Field Visit Report

Sample details and representativeness

• The Relator made a visit to Spain from 21 to 28 January 2013.
• He met with representatives of the Spanish Government at national, regional, provincial and local levels, legislative and judicial powers and the security forces.
• He met with the national Ombudsman, the regional ombudsmen in Andalusia and Catalonia, and various entities of the United Nations.
• He held extensive meetings with parliamentarians, actors of civil society and representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as members of the community and other groups and people working in the field of racism.
• He did not met with any Minister, despite having requested meetings at that level.

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