Council for the promotion of the equal treatment and non-discrimination of the persons of racial and ethnic origin (Consejo para la promoción de la igualdad de trato y no discriminación de las personas por el origen racial o étnico) (2015), A comprehensi




Council for the promotion of the equal treatment and non-discrimination of the persons of racial and ethnic origin (Consejo para la promoción de la igualdad de trato y no discriminación de las personas por el origen racial o étnico) (2015), A comprehensive strategy against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance (Estrategia integral contra el racismo, la discriminación racial, la xenofobia y otras formas conexas de intolerancia)

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

National human rights body


Spain, Council for the promotion of the equal treatment and non-discrimination of the persons of racial and ethnic origin | Consejo para la promoción de la igualdad de trato y no discriminación de las personas por el origen racial o étnico

Main Thematic Focus

Discrimination Racism & xenophobia

Target Population

Ethnic minorities Muslims Migrants

Key findings

The report of this Council in relation to the draft report for the monitoring and evaluation of the Strategy to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance mentioned:
The difficulty caused by the absence, in statistics and surveys, of the nationality variable, to allow a better approximation to the possible existence of discrimination by reason of race, ethnic origin or nationality.
This absence would be in particular relevant concerning the data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and particularly in relation to the socio-labour field.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

In November 2014 the Spanish Observatory for Racism and Xenophobia of the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration (Ministry of Employment and Social Security), requested a report of this Council in relation to the draft report for the monitoring and evaluation of the Integrated Strategy to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other related forms of intolerance, adopted by agreement of the Council of Ministers on November 2011.

Sample details and representativeness

Not available

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