Public Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits), Observation report on the Dismantling of the camps and assumption of responsability of exiles Calais- Stalingrad(Paris) ( Rapport d'observation Démantelement des campements et prise en charge des exilés C




Public Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits), Observation report on the Dismantling of the camps and assumption of responsability of exiles Calais- Stalingrad(Paris) ( Rapport d'observation Démantelement des campements et prise en charge des exilés Calais-Stalingrad (Paris) , December 2016,

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

FR302 - Pas-de-Calais

Type of Institution

National human rights body


France, Public Defender of Rights | Défenseur des droits

Main Thematic Focus


Target Population


Key findings

The year 2016 saw an increase in operations to dismantle camps of migrants in Calais, Grande-Synthe, and Paris. Exiles are constrained to undergo undignified living conditions, while the public opinions of countries express positions of rejection and fear. The Public Defender of Rights underlined the lack of planning for these operations, which did not make it possible to completely ensure the fundamental rights of children, and particularly their protection. The view of the Public Defender of Rights is that instead of seeking to provide dignified and sustained reception conditions for people in search of protection, other attitudes prevail: suspicion of those who may not be a minor, a fake applicant for asylum, dissuading potential applicants for asylum who fear being sent to a State in which they are likely to undergo inhuman or degrading treatment; disengagement with regard to minors who the State wishes above all to entrust to the
United Kingdom.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

Qualitative and Quantitative (face to face interviews)

Sample details and representativeness

The services of the Public Defender of Rights attended the operations to dismantle the camp at Lande de Calais and the camp at Stalingrad.

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