Ens, A.A. (2016), Discriminatie melden bij de politie? : een onderzoek naar de meldingsbereidheid van slachtoffers van moslimdiscriminatie, The Hague, Nationale Politie




Ens, A.A. (2016), Discriminatie melden bij de politie? : een onderzoek naar de meldingsbereidheid van slachtoffers van moslimdiscriminatie, The Hague, Nationale Politie

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Type of publication

Study - qualitative research

Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


Ens, A.A.

Main Thematic Focus


Target Population


Key findings

This study shows that Muslims who have faced discriminated (in the form of insults, intimidation violence) did not go the police have a number of reasons not to report discrimination to the police.
The most important reasons are : many interviewees anticipated that police discourages or refuses the report, or will not investigate the matter. In addition, little benefit is expected because discrimination is difficult to prove, discrimination can not stopped by the police and interviewee already taken action against discrimination. These reasons have also be found in other studies among other social groups.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

In-depth and group interviews with 43 Muslims who, on the ground of their religion, have been victims of discrimination in the forms of insults, intimidation or physical violence but who have not reported to the police.

Sample details and representativeness

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