Ombudsman, Equal Treatment - Special Report 2018,




Ombudsman, Equal Treatment - Special Report 2018,

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

National human rights body


Greece, Greek Ombudsman

Main Thematic Focus


Target Population

Muslims Religious minorities Migrants People with migrant background Ethnic minorities LGBTI

Key findings

This Special Report illustrates the Greek Ombudsman’ activity as the national body for promoting the principle of equal treatment, in the year 2018. The number of complaints submitted in 2018 has increased by 18% compared to the previous year. Though not referring specifically to Muslims, the report shows that 3 % of the complaints examined concerned discrimination based on grounds of religion and how religious groups are treated by the Public Authorities.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

Quantitative and Qualitative Data. For 2018, the Ombudsman chose to change the presentation method of the Equal Treatment Special Report in order to facilitate familiarisation and better understanding of the means of protection and their effectiveness, initially for the victims of discrimination. In this context, the chapter on “Equal treatment in practice” presents cases, in a comprehensive manner, that were submitted to the Ombudsman, as well as their final outcome following the National Body’s intervention.

Sample details and representativeness

The Ombudsman received 822 new complaints, 7% of which concerned discrimination based on grounds of national or ethnic origin, 3% on grounds of religion and 3% on grounds of race or colour.

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