Ombudsman of the Republic of North Macedonia (2019) Годишен извештај за степенот на обезбедувањето почитување, унапредување и заштита на човековите права и слободи 2018, Skopje, Ombudsman of the Reublic of North Macedonia.


North Macedonia


Ombudsman of the Republic of North Macedonia (2019) Годишен извештај за степенот на обезбедувањето почитување, унапредување и заштита на човековите права и слободи 2018, Skopje, Ombudsman of the Reublic of North Macedonia.

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


North Macedonia, Ombudsman Office (Народен Правобранител/Avokati i Popullit)

Main Thematic Focus

Discrimination Racism & xenophobia

Target Population

General population

Key findings

In its 2018 Annual Report, the Ombudsman reports that they received 77 discrimination applications. It does not report that any of these were anti-Muslim or religion - related. Most of these were harassment at the work place and on the grounds of ethnicity and political affiliation.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

quantitative (statistics on incidents)
qualitative (expert assessments)

Sample details and representativeness


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