ECRI Report on Finland (fifth monitoring cycle), Adopted 18 June 2019, published 10 September 2019.




ECRI Report on Finland (fifth monitoring cycle),
Adopted 18 June 2019, published 10 September 2019.

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Council of Europe body


ECRI | European Commission against Racism and Intolerance | Council of Europe

Main Thematic Focus

Racism & xenophobia Discrimination

Target Population

Muslims Migrants Ethnic minorities People of African descent & Black Europeans

Key findings

ECRI expresses concern regarding the escalation of racist and intolerant hate speech in public discourse, the main targts of which are asylum-seekers and Muslims. Further ECRI holds that the Finnish response is not fully adequate. This is reflected in the lack of comprehensive and systematic data collection on hate speech and hate-motivated violence, the level of underreporting, especially among vulnerable groups, and the relatively small number of prosecutions. With reference to its General Policy Recommendation No. 7, ECRI recommends that Finland criminalises the creation or the leadership of a group which promotes racism, support for such a group, and participation in its activities.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

The working methods for the preparation of the reports involve documentary analyses, a visit to the country concerned, and then a confidential dialogue with the national authorities.

Sample details and representativeness

ECRI’s reports are analyses based on a large amount of information gathered from a wide variety of sources.

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