CERD/C/LTU/CO/9-10 (CERD 2019), Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Concluding observations on the combined ninth and tenth periodic reports of Lithuania




CERD/C/LTU/CO/9-10 (CERD 2019), Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Concluding observations on the combined ninth and tenth periodic reports of Lithuania

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Council of Europe body


CERD | The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Main Thematic Focus

Racism & xenophobia Discrimination

Target Population

Muslims Migrants

Key findings

The Committee expressed concern about the strong prejudices and negative sentiments in Lithuania towards members of vulnerable and minority groups, in particular migrants, Muslims and Roma. It also noted that hate speech and incitement to hatred targeting these groups have been used in the media, including online media, and in the political sphere. The Committee recommended that Lithuania intensified its public campaigns to combat hate speech, incitement to hatred and hate crimes, to address prejudice and negative sentiments towards national minorities and migrants and to promote tolerance and understanding towards these groups.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

N/A - not applicable

Sample details and representativeness


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