Non-Discrimination Ombudsman (2020), Selvitys afrikkalaistaustaisten henkilöiden kokemasta syrjinnästä (Report on the discrimination experienced by people of African descent)




Non-Discrimination Ombudsman (2020), Selvitys afrikkalaistaustaisten henkilöiden kokemasta syrjinnästä (Report on the discrimination experienced by people of African descent)

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

National human rights body


Finland, Non-Discrimination Ombudsman, Yhdenvertaisuusvatuutettu

Main Thematic Focus

Discrimination Ethnic profiling Racism & xenophobia

Target Population

People of African descent & Black Europeans

Key findings

The aim of the study is to increase the understanding of the underreporting of discrimination among people of African descent. The reported experiences of discrimination include verbal harrassment, physical harrassment, and ethnic profiling. The study did not specifically address the situation of Muslims, however, the biggest group of respondents gave Somali as their mother tounge. Further, 12 % expressed that they have experienced discrimination on the ground of religion. 61 % of the respondents state that they do not report discrimination to any authorities. The main reason for this is lack of trust that this would lead to anything (14.1 %). Other reasons are that it happens so often (11.4 %), the respondent does not know who to contact (9.8 %) or considers discrmination as a part of life (9.7%).

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

Qualitative study with online survey and one-to-one interviews.

Sample details and representativeness

286 valid responses and 11 interviews. 393 responses to the survey were discarded, these used racist language, extreme right codes or racist stereotypes. 34 % of the valid respondents gave Somali as their mother tounge. This group consitutes the biggest group of people of African decent in Finland (p. 10).

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