Germany, German Bundestag (Deutscher Bundestag), Antimuslimischer Rassismus und Diskriminierung von Muslimen in Deutschland. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Große Anfrage der Abgeordneten Ulla Jelpke, Dr. André Hahn, Gökay Akbulut, weiterer Abgeordne




Germany, German Bundestag (Deutscher Bundestag), Antimuslimischer Rassismus und Diskriminierung von Muslimen in Deutschland. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Große Anfrage der Abgeordneten Ulla Jelpke, Dr. André Hahn, Gökay Akbulut, weiterer Abgeordneter und der Fraktion DIE LINKE. - Drucksache 19/11240 (neu) -, Printed Document 19/17069, 06 February 2020.

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Type of publication

Parliamentary document

Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


Germany, German Bundestag (Deutscher Bundestag), answer by the Federal Government (Bundesregierung) to a parliamentary request

Main Thematic Focus

Islamophobia Discrimination

Target Population

Muslims Religious minorities

Key findings

According to information provided by the Federal Government, Muslims and Islamic religious institutions are affected by politically motivated crime as following: In 2017, German police authorities registered in total 1,095 crimes classifed as "hostile to Islam"; in 2018, the police registered 910 crimes as "hostile to Islam". In 2019, 184 cases of attacks motivated by hostility to Islam against mosques, cemeteries, meeting places/cultural associations or other places of religious practice were registered by the police. From 1 January to 30 June 2019, 58 online "hate posts" (Hasspostings) motivated by hostility to Islam were registered by the police, among them 44 cases were classified as sedition (Volksverhetzung). In 2018, in total 129 online "hate posts" were registered, among them 95 classifed as sedition. In 2017, 217 online "hate posts" were registered, among them 152 were classified as sedition. Accordingly, 553 members of the Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) were suspected being involved in right-wing extremists activities between 1 Januar 2016 and 17 July 2019, 15 of which were explicitly motivated by hostility to Islam.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

This answer of the Federal Government to a so-called major parliamentary request (Große Anfrage) includes information from the level of the 16 German states.

Sample details and representativeness


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