Ahven, A. (2021), Ohvriuuringud 2010-2021 (Victim surveys 2010-2021), Tallinn, Ministry of Justice




Ahven, A. (2021), Ohvriuuringud 2010-2021 (Victim surveys 2010-2021), Tallinn, Ministry of Justice

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Type of publication

Study - qualitative research

Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


Estonia, Ministry of Justice (Justiitsministeerium)

Main Thematic Focus

Hate crime

Target Population

General population

Key findings

The study discusses the results of victim surveys conducted between 2010–2021. Concerning hate crime, it outlines that in 2021, 0.8% of respondents fell victim to a physical attack and 7% of respondents fell victim to a verbal or written attack due to their nationality, race, skin colour, religion, disability or sexual orientation. The percentages were same in 2020. It was not clarified which specific protected ground was the motive of the attacks in these cases.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

Qualitative research – the study analyses the surveys conducted by phone, in person or online between 2010–2021.

Sample details and representativeness

Between 2010–2020, the number of respondents was between 1000–1102, in 2021, the number of respondents was 2000. The respondents included men and women, ages 15 to 75+, from various backgrounds and locations over Estonia.

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