Jauhola, L., Siltala, J., Nieminen, K. (Owal Group Oy) (2022), “Hoping for a Concrete Intervention”: Follow-up survey on hate speech and harassment and their effects on different minority groups. Helsinki, OIkeusministeriö (Ministry of Justice).




Jauhola, L., Siltala, J., Nieminen, K. (Owal Group Oy) (2022), “Hoping for a Concrete Intervention”: Follow-up survey on hate speech and harassment and their effects on different minority groups. Helsinki, OIkeusministeriö (Ministry of Justice).

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


Finland, Ministry of Justice, Oikeusministeriö

Main Thematic Focus

Hate speech

Target Population

General population

Key findings

Altogether 143 respondents to the survey had experienced hate speech and harassment because of their belonging to a religious minority group. The second largest group of respondents (29 %) belonged to the Islamic congregation. Some 55 % of all the respondents in this group had experienced hate speech or harassment 1–5 times during the past year. The most common expressions of hate speech or harassment were verbal insults or humiliation (75 %), name calling (53 %) and constant negative comments (50 %). Hate speech or harassment were most often encountered at a work place or in Facebook. In 86 % of the cases, the perpetrator belonged to the majority population. Many of the respondents belonging to the Islamic congregation had experienced verbal insults and name-calling in public places or public transport. Some also referred to physical attacks, such as pushing and spitting.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

Data was collected in spring 2022 by an open online questionnaire which was distributed via multiple channels, including various associations, organisations and networks. The questionnaire was accessible from the beginning of March until 4 April 2022. In addition, interviews with 18 experts and 28 persons representing the various target groups were conducted in March-May 2022, in person, by phone or remotely. Five persons belonging to religious minority groups were interviewed. Secondary sources were also used as background material.

Sample details and representativeness

In total, 2,758 responses to the online questionnaire were received. There were 418 respondents who belong to religious minority groups. Of these, 143 persons had experienced hate speech or harassment during the past 12 months. The purpose of the survey was to collect material in order to describe the phenomenon of hate speech and harassment and to hear people’s experiences. In does not strive to draw general conclusions on how common harassment and hate speech are among each target group.

DISCLAIMERThe information presented here is collected under contract by the FRA's research network FRANET. The information and views contained do not necessarily reflect the views or the official position of the FRA.