Dombos, T., Takács, B., Shelter project (2021), National report. Hungary, European Comission, European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).




Dombos, T., Takács, B., Shelter project (2021), National report. Hungary, European Comission, European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

Public authority


Hungary, National University of Public Services and Subjective Values Foundation

Main Thematic Focus

Hate crime

Target Population


Key findings

The Shelter project surveys how prepared the Hungarian health care system is to deal with hate crimes. The report summarizes its findings as follows: „In relation to the question of which groups they think are most at risk of becoming victims of hate crimes in Hungary, Roma and homeless people were mentioned most frequently, followed by LGBTQI people, and Arab and African migrants. Only a few professionals mentioned people with disabilities and Muslim people.” The authors conclude that hate crime is indeed present, but it is also realised that „two out of three respondents think that victims never or rarely report hate crimes” (35.p.). Recommendations are formulated for the government, healthcare providers, universities and research institutions and civil society organizations.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

Qualitative analysis, desktop research, interviews and survey research was carried out.

Sample details and representativeness

„Altogether 29 interviews were conducted: 3 with doctors and 7 with nurses working in hospitals, 3 with nurses working at the ambulance, 4 with emergency hotline operators, 4 with professionals working at civil society organisations, and finally, 8 victims of hate crimes.” (25. p.)

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