EFRIS offers two alternative avenues to access the wealth of fundamental rights information available. The first avenue – “commitments” - enables the user to access and visualise the overall degree and nature of the obligations one or more States accepted under international human rights treaties. The second avenue – “compliance” – allows the user to access information concerning the compliance of one or more States under each of these treaties as assessed by the mechanisms monitoring the respective treaties.
Both avenues allow the user to search by system (United Nations or Council of Europe), by country and by rights areas (the rights areas reflect the structure and scope of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights).
Depending on which human rights treaties or mechanisms are selected, EFRIS provides different sets of data (United Nations or Council of Europe data; expert opinions, judgments of the European Courts of Human rights or jurisprudence of United Nations Treaty Bodies).
Most data can be be displayed in graphs, tables and/or maps. The results can be downloaded and shared by the user. Once the results are displayed, the user can click on the entries to get additional information and be redirected to United Nations and Council of Europe relevant websites.
EFRIS search mask and results list
After clicking the "Search" button, the selected criteria are shown in the grey box at the top of the results, followed by the list of visualisations.

How to access external data sources
Click a segment on the bar chart and a window will pop up with a list of hyperlinks to the data sources visualised.