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France United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
2022 France / UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) / Concluding observations on the combined twenty-second and twenty-third periodic report of France / CERD/C/FRA/CO/22-23
Race/Ethnicity Muslims The observations relate to France's policies and their impact on racial discrimination. Specifically, for counter-terrorism, they involve two recent laws: Law No. 2021-646 of 25 May 2021 for global security preserving freedoms and Law No. 2021-1109 of 24 August 2021 strengthening the respect of the principles of the Republic. These laws provide in particular for reinforced monitoring of religious associations, which, to benefit from a public subsidy, are required to undertake to adhere to… View more
France European Court of Human Rights, Fifth section 2022 France / ECtHR / Application no. 63539/19 / Zemmour v. France Religion Muslims The case dealt with the incitement to discrimination and religious hatred against a group of people because of their belonging to the Muslim religion. In a television programme, the plaintiff, a far-right polemicist journalist, presented Muslims living in France as "colonizers" and "invaders" in a combat to "Islamize" France, and claimed that this situation implied that they had to make "a choice between Islam and France". He was convicted by the French… View more
France Public Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits)
2021 France / Public Defender of Rights / Decision No. 2021-192 Religion Muslims The decision related to a public servant who, having passed an internal competitive examination, was denied appointment to the corresponding position by management. The plaintiff considered this decision to be discriminatory as being based on his Muslim religion, the management having previously reproached him for wearing a beard as well as holding the Koran and books on Islam. After an internal investigation concluded that there was "no evidence of radicalization or dangerousness"… View more
France Court of Cassation, Criminal Chamber
2021 France / Court of cassation / Decision No. 20-83.325 / ECLI:FR:CCASS:2021:CR00240
Religion Muslims The case dealt with the sale and advertising on two far-right websites of a leaflet containing the words: "Islam assassin, Islam dehors" (Islam assassin, Islam get out), in white letters, appearing on a blood red background for the first two words and on a black background for the other two words. View more
France European Court of Human Rights, Fifth section 2021 France / ECtHR / Application no. 45581/15 / Sanchez v. France
Religion Muslims The case dealt with online incitement to racial hatred or violence against people of the Muslim faith. More practically, the plaintiff, a local elected official and candidate for the legislative elections for a far-right party, was convicted by the French courts for incitement to hatred towards a group of people or a person on the basis of a specific religion, for failing to promptly delete the publication by third parties (S.B. and L.R.) of contentious comments on the wall of his Facebook… View more
France Council of State 2020 France / Council of State/440757 Religion Muslims In a request of 20 May 2020 the Association for the Defence of Human Rights - Collective against Islamophobia in France (ADDH-CCIF) and Ms B. A. asked the judge for summary proceedings of the Council of State to immediately enjoin the Prime Minister to take all necessary measures to allow the exercise of freedom of worship in Muslim religious establishments, throughout the country and in compliance with the necessary health regulations, on the day of Eid al-fitr, on 24 or 25 May 2020, in… View more
France Public Defender of Rights 2019 France / Public Defender of rights/n°2019-148 Religion Muslims Public hospitals provide inpatients in their care facilities with meals for the duration of their stay. 'Y' hospitals allow patients who wish to do so to receive substitute pork-free, alcohol-free, vegetarian, or kosher meals, the distribution for which a public contract has been concluded. However, it was brought to the attention of the Public Defender of Rights that Y does not offer its patients the opportunity to request halal meals. Mr. X, considering that the lack of distribution… View more
France Court of Cassation (Cour de cassation) 2019 France / Court of Cassation/19-81631/ECLI:FR:CCASS:2019:CR01817 Religion Muslims On 13 September 2016, an article was put on line on the site, entitled ‘The alarming sacrifice of Eid al-Adha (Aïd el-Kébir) in a Saint-Nazaire sports hall’ containing the following, ‘we learn that the Council grants organizational facilities through lending of rooms to associations responsible for such practices. The sports halls of our municipality are places for development at the service of sport, public health and our youth. They are not theatres of agony and… View more
France Court of Cassation (Cour de cassation) 2019 France / Court of Cassation/18-85306/ECLI:FR:CCASS:2019:CR01531 Race/Ethnicity Muslims The Public Prosecutor summoned historian Mr. N., editor-in-chief of the Revue d'histoire de la Shoah (Holocaust History Journal), and editorial manager of the Holocaust Memorial and guest on the programme 'Répliques' (Replies) on 10 October 2015, to appear before the criminal court on charges of incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence against a person or group of persons on account of their origin or their membership or non-membership of a particular ethnic group, nation… View more
France Court of Cassation (Cour de cassation) 2019 France / Cour de cassation/18-85299/ECLI:FR:CCASS:2019:CR01530 Religion Muslims During the programme "C à vous" (Over to you) broadcast on the France 5 television channel on 6 September 2016, during which he gave an interview, Mr H. made the following remarks at four different points during the conversation with a journalist: first passage, the answer "No" to the question whether "there are Muslims in France who live in peace, who do not interpret the texts of the Koran to the letter, who are totally integrated"; second passage, "the… View more
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