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Poland | Regional Court in Czestochowa | 2018 | Poland / Regional Court in Czestochowa / VII Ka 139/18 | Religion, Race/Ethnicity | Muslims | The defendant (M.P.) was accused of publicly inciting hatred against foreign nationals and followers of other religions, by placing on his profile on the social media calls to aggression against the Muslim community, in particular by tearing down their places of worship and posting graphics calling for the use of violence against Muslims. The District Court in Czestochowa (court of the I instance) discontinued the criminal proceedings for the probation period of 1 year, considering that the… | View more |
Poland | District Court in Szczecin | 2017 | Poland / District Court in Szczecin / II K 1234/16 | Religion, Nationality | Muslims | The case concerns incitement to hatred towards followers of Islam. The defendant (P.M.) was accused of hate speech towards Muslims during the anti-immigrant demonstration organized by the National and Radical Camp. He initiated the Islamophobic shouting calling for hatred against other religions and together with the crowd he chanted this shout. | View more |
Poland | I instance: Regional Court Poznan, II instance: District Court in Poznan | 2016 | Poland / I instance: Regional Court Poznan-Grunwald and Jezyce in Poznan / Ref. no. III K 109/16 / II instance: District Court in Poznan / Ref. no. XVII Ka 1098/16 | Religion | Muslims | On September 12, 2015 during the football match, the accused used a loudspeaker and publicly insulted Muslims. He was encouraging other football fans to sing an insult song about Muslim refugees using words commonly considered as vulgar, which they did. | View more |
Poland | I instance: District Court in Legnica, II instance: Appellate Court in Wroclaw | 2016 | Poland / I instance: District Court in Legnica / Ref. no. III K 88/16 and II instance: Appellate Court in Wroclaw / Ref. no. II Aka 131/17 | Race/Ethnicity | Migrants | On August 2 2016, in the premises of an oriental restaurant, two Polish citizens used physical violence and insulted two Pakistani nationals. The attack was motivated by the victims' nationality and race. Perpetrators threw a glass bottle at their victims and hit them in their heads and bodies. They were using insulting words, referring to the colour of their skin and foreign nationality. They were demanding that their victims went back to their country. At the end, they threatened they… | View more |
Poland | I instance: Regional Court in Bialystok, II instance: District Court in Bialystok | 2016 | Poland / I instance: Regional Court in Bialystok / Ref. no. VII K 285/14 / II instance: District Court in Bialystok / Ref. no. VIII Ka 157/16 | Religion | Muslims | In the period of 2009-2011, the accused was posting offensive statements on various Internet websites, inciting hatred towards Chechens and insulting them due to their religion, nationality and migration status (refugees and asylum-seekers). | View more |
Poland | I instance: District Court in Warsaw, II instance: Appellate Court in Warsaw | 2015 | Poland / I instance: District Court in Warsaw / XVIII K 100/14 / II instance: Appellate Court in Warsaw / Ref. no. II Aka 60/15 | Race/Ethnicity | Migrants | On February 13, 2013 two Polish citizens used physical violence against a Nigerian citizen which was motivated by his race and nationality. The perpetrators were beating the victim, punching him in the face and hitting with plastic bottles, which posed a threat to foreigner's life and health. Moreover, perpetrators publicly insulted their victim with abusive words referring to his skin colour and nationality, for example they called him a "monkey". The case was reported to the… | View more |
Poland | I instance: District Court in Lodz, II instance: Appellate Court in Lodz | 2015 | Poland / I instance: District Court in Lodz / XVIII K 29/15 / II instance: Appellate Court in Lodz / II Aka 167/15 | Nationality | Migrants | On December 20, 2014 the accused entered the restaurant and used physical violence towards a Vietnamese citizen, working at this restaurant, due to his race. He threw a bottle toward his victim and destroyed five chairs, a table, and glass vessels as well as damaged the buffet. The case was reported to the police and perpetrator was accused under Article 119 § 1 of the Criminal Code. | View more |
Poland | I instance: Regional Court in Bialystok, II instance: District Court in Bialystok | 2014 | Poland / I instance: Regional Court in Bialystok / Ref. no. VII K 1018/13 / II instance: District Court in Bialystok / Ref. no. VIII Ka 577/14 | Nationality | Migrants | On August 25 2013 two Chechen women were having a walk with their small children in the city. When they were passing by the group of 3 Polish citizens, they were publicly insulted because of their nationality. Perpetrators were screaming vulgar words such as "Chechen whores!", showing offensive gestures towards them and one of them spat in the face of one victim. Women run to the nearest church and called their relatives. An incident was reported to the police. | View more |
Poland | Constitutional Tribunal | 2014 | Poland / Constitutional Tribunal / SK 65/12 / Framework Decision on Racism (2008/913/JHA) or of the Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) | Race/Ethnicity, Nationality, Race/Ethnicity, Religion | Muslims, Migrants, Refugees & asylum seekers, EU citizens & nationals with migrant background, Third country nationals, Foreigners, Black people or of African origin, Other religious groups | The applicant, B.R., submitted a motion to the Constitutional Tribunal claiming that Article 256 of the Criminal code, in some of its provisions, violates the Constitution. Article 256 of the Criminal code prohibits incitement to hatred on the grounds of racial, national and ethnic origin, religion or lack of belief. Furthermore, Article 256 of the Criminal code prohibits praising Nazi, communist or any other totalitarian system. In the opinion of the applicant those provisions (‘incitement to… | View more |
Poland | I instance: District Court in O., II instance: Appellate Court in Bialystok | 2014 | Poland / I instance: District Court in O. / Ref. no. II K 237/12 / II instance: Appellate Court in Bialystok / Ref. no. II AKa 221/14 | Race/Ethnicity | Migrants | On June 29, 2012 four Polish citizens attacked on the street a group of foreigners from the Republic of South Africa. They were hitting their victims with hands, beating, kicking and pushing them, which posed a threat to the victims' health. Moreover, perpetrators were using insulting words related to victims' nationality and race. Foreigners reported the incident to the police. | View more |
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